Inversion Thinking

Instead of thinking about positive outcomes (assuming everything will turn out right), turn the process on its head by thinking what could go wrong and cause you to fail so you know what and who to avoid to maximize your chance of success or at least not being surprised so you’re able to make contingency plans ahead of time to compensate

You need to also do the more conventional process of thinking so you actually have an affirmative plan but it helps to know where all the mines are buried (like Minesweeper)

    10 months ago

    Don’t fuck your future self.

    Putting something away? Better make sure it’s not just the most convenient spot for you right now but somewhere future you can find it. Should I finish this family sized bag of chips? I’m really not hungry anymore and will want some another day this week. Save some for future you.

    Just little things to help yourself along and think a few steps ahead.