It’s good practice to repeatedly warn customers over a span of months.
Can’t tell if you’re sarcastic or not 😄
I have moderate to severe ADHD and even -I- find over a quarter of a year an excessive amount of time to consider whether your photobucket pics are worth keeping or not!
Not sarcastic. I work for a provider, and we warn people of service changes a bunch of times over a period of months.
Despite this, you will still get a bunch of people complaining that they were never told, we surprised them with it at the last minute, etc.
A change that deletes customer data brings in legal as well. If one of these people tries to sue for losing their data you want to be able to show that you provided plenty of notice and warning.
Companies will often “scream test” a data loss change. Meaning you turn it off, but don’t really delete right away to see who screams that their data is gone. Anyone screaming gets some short time period to recover the data.
Despite this, you will still get a bunch of people complaining that they were never told, we surprised them with it at the last minute, etc.
If someone has an email address they never check, it doesn’t matter if you notify them once or one hundred times. They’ll still never see it. Do you try more than one pathway or are your warnings dependent on a single point of failure?
For commodity online services, you are lucky that people even give you their email address. The number of people who provide anything more is extremely low. OP is freaking out that they are emailing. If they called him on the phone, he would lose his shit.
The terms of service explicitly state that any communications and legal notices about the services will be delivered via the email address that must be verified at sign up. It is not unreasonable to ask customers to provide a valid way to send them service related messages.
Google isn’t going to call you or send you old-school paper mail when they discontinue a service. Even if they did, 99% of people would think that it was a scam.
All that being said, we will always scream test things like EOL of a service just to catch anyone who missed the communications.
No, this is the sort of thing for which a company will easily schedule a whole quarter ahead of time, planning not included.
Still sounds like companies and I have divergent definitions of “good”, as is usually the case 😄
Even after three months of weekly email reminders, people will still get mad that their account got shut down. This isn’t aimed at people like you. If you want to delete your account, it would seem you’re free to do so.
But I want to be too lazy to do anything about it myself AND snarky about their persistent reminders! pouts 😁
I’ve been getting this same deletion warning email every week since April 2019. My pictures are still not deleted.
One of these days I’ll get around to logging it, I just haven’t felt like it in the past 4 years.
We’ve been trying to reach you about your photo’s extended warranty
This aggression will not stand, dude!
For some services sure it would be annoying. But for a service that stores peoples photos this seems like a good thing.
Idunno, has anyone stored anything important with photobucket lately, though?
Im pretty sure that the newest truly important photo that’s on photobucket and nowhere else predates all of Gen Z…
It depends on the user. From the emails I’m guessing that you don’t have anything that you consider very valuable on photobucket, but others may.
Lmao I have the same with AWS. I tried a free plan like 10 years ago, then noticed it was only free one month. On the last day I deleted and disabled everything, but I guess something took longer to deactivate because the next month I’m presented a $0.17 bill with a warning of account suspension if I don’t pay up (like hell I would).
I still get those emails, twice a month. They go straight to the bin.
I STILL get mails from an online florist I used once a few years ago that my “limited time” credit is going to expire soon 😄
I’m getting a similar series of messages from tinder.
Got one match, went on one date, she’s awesome, prob going to delete tinder. But in the meantime it’s pestering me twice daily reminding me I’ve not opened the app since
Fuck photobucket and the absolute wasteland they have left in countless forum posts in every corner of the internet. Sooooo much valuable information just fucking gone because they got greedy and refused to change with the times.
It sucks but you can’t really expect a service to host images until the end of time for free.
This is Lemmy, and if Lemmy has taught me anything from the constant repetitive YouTube posts… Then the answer is unironically they absolutely expect that.
They could have found a way if they had given a shit. Give the forums the option to take over hosting, or transfer them to an internet archive. Hell I bet there are enough data hoarders that would have been delighted to help ensure that data remained accessible without costing photobucket a dime.
Better to annoy former users than to end up as the subject of a million opinion pieces about companies fucking over their current users
Maybe if we threaten them they’ll give us money?
Yeah, that seems to be their thinking here as far as I can tell 🤷
Google warned me that they are going to delete a Blogger account that I last signed into in 2007.
Uhhh go for it dudes.
But the world needs to know what you thought about Soulja Boy!
Who’s got insightful analysis about pop music to share?
meanwhile i still get anniversary notices for a livejournal i made in 1999
It’s time to kick the photobucket!
deleted by creator