the pandemic making people realize - oh shit they can just grind all this to a halt with the push of a button

the recent election frauds / riots / etc in the US, global warming / severe weather increasing, capitalism getting more and more ruthless, everything sucks more and costs more…

it feels so weird that it’s 2023 and we still care about dress codes or professionalism, at the same time. because it sort of feels like we’re in the beginning of a movie waiting for the bad thing to happen

    1 year ago

    Block subs that spew poisonous vitriol…but also block subs that mindlessly preach to the choir or are just repeating things you already know or agree with like political memes you already agree with. It’s a cheap laugh or endorphin or rage hit but updooting accomplishes fuckall. Once you generally figure out how the news is presented to business interests/the public/labor there isn’t a ton to be gained in any particular story other than…where do I file this latest entry of epistemology?

    There is an easily avoided line when once you understand how the board is set, to enjoy the comprehension of position rather than to further develop.