I guess a NY rat
Awkwardly, and involving a turtle
Damn. I thought my name meant I would shepherd in the apocalypse
The Olive Garden waiter never heard the cue to stop so I suffocate on the fine powdery goodness
Get way to high and get wrapped up in an international conspiracy
Either burned to death or covered in cum. I’m not sure which i prefer
Chuckles… I’m in trouble
In a last stand against racist aliens who want to destroy mankind
I guess I would feel colder and colder and colder and colder…
Cold weather exposure probably.
Hmm. That’s a sad way to go.
Walking through the park with a bauggette
The opposite of “in hiding”. State religious authorities catching wind of my apostasy, and bringing me before a “religious rehab” judge. Judge delivers his sentence on me, in accordance with his religious rules. My community loses another apostate, and other like-minded individuals secretly turtle-up even further.
But hey, perks of being an apostate is having fun and leading a content life in the digital universe. So, I’m happy living in new homes that serve as permanent alternative spaces to Meta and others.
Death by giant space hamster.