it has been incredibly cold for the past 4 days, but thankfully i have new clothes so it hasn’t been very bad in practice

    2 months ago

    My best friendship might be over, I don’t know. I thought about letting him drift off but my therapist convinced me to reach out. He said he doesn’t want to talk about it, and I asked if he means not tonight, or not all. He just said “I don’t know”.

    I ain’t gonna pressure him, but that was his last chance.

    I tried to make other friends, I joined this Meetup group I was really excited about. Waited ages for it. Had fun for the first several hours, and we were already talking about future events, and then it came up that they’re all conservative.

    There’s very little else on Meetup and most of it has “sponsored by the church of Scientology” buried at the bottom of the text. I’ve just been trying to hit the gym and be productive around the house since then. Kinda sucks because I need to finish unpacking but I have so many gifts and mementos and photos with people who moved on.

    ETA yeah, it’s over. I laid out all my grievances and he basically told me he’s garbage and I’m better off without him. He keeps telling me things I do are hurting him, and I try to change even when he contradicts himself, but I’m not worth the same effort.