edit: As I’m seeing a lot of worry about the impact this will/could have on the community, please be assured we have the same mod team, and will be holding the community to the same standards. the same things that were always allowed will continue to be allowed and the same things that got things removed before will continue to get things removed before. Lemmy.world admins have agreed to allow us to run our community on our terms.
It is my pleasure to announce that effective immediately, we are transferring our community to Lemmy.world! This has been a few months in the making, so my entire mod team is already on board.
That’s a complicated question with a long answer! The primary difference is moderatorial and ideologial differences between my team and Ada’s excellent team of admins. We are on good terms with Ada and her team, and have gotten her consent to do this. In addition to this, we have had ongoing issues with federation and moderation that has caused a subpar experience for many people on other instances.
How does this work?
Currently, as there is not an easy way to transfer an entire community (trust me, we checked), we are locking the community as mod-only, and moving our focus to the 196 on lemmy.world. For you guys, functionally nothing has changed.
What about the posts?
Well, we tried to transfer them, but there was no real way to do so without absolutely destroying lemmy.world’s federation. For this reason, we are simply archiving this community as mod-only. Everything is staying up, you just won’t be able to post new content. Comments are still enabled, so we will continue to check our modlogs for some time after the transfer has settled.
As for the posts on lemmy.world’s 196, we’re leaving those up too. From this point onwards, all posts made to that community are beholden to the rules you are all used to, but anything pre-existing is getting grandfathered in.

Once again, here’s the link to our new apartment of awesome. (universal: [email protected])

  • yetAnotherUser@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    I think I sort of understand what they meant when they talked about narratives, although I interpret it as being extremely naïve. Sure, it’s true that people often only defend one narrative because it’s the only one they know, and haven’t been exposed to other ones (or at least in a way where they actually thought critically about it and haven’t just refuted the “new” perspective on first sight). But it’s extremely unrealistic to think that people will change their opinion due to a couple of comments on the Internet (specially when people have joked for years that disscussions on the Internet never go anywhere). Not just that, but by saying that you want people to be able to voice other narratives and not specifying if those include things like hate speech (even if you thought of not including those), you’re scaring the shit out of marginalized communities that use the platform, which get a lot of hate every day and just want places in the Internet where they can chill and not have to worry about that sort of stuff. I honestly think that there is a misunderstanding of what the admins meant with that, I think that they don’t really intend to endanger their marginalized users (although I could just be interpreting this wrongly, you never know)… But even if they wanted to, it wouldn’t really matter for us, as it would just make the job harder for the 196 mods, who, expectably, will keep on moderating as they always did, keeping TERFs, homophobes and other haters away from this lovely community (, right? riiiiiight???).

    …and I would just say this if LW admins weren’t so open to federating with Meta products. Even if we ignore how shitty Meta is as a company, federating with them would bring very little advantages to the table (like, idk, being able to follow some friends and family, and some famous people, and talking with them to some capacity without a Meta account, but still having to follow Meta’s ToS obviously), but lots of disadvantages instead (not much more adhesion to the Fediverse because people will keep on using Meta’s products anyways; possible “embrace, extend, extinguish” from Meta, which could really damage the Fediverse; Meta possibly involving themselves in some of the Fediverse projects, which could result in them “steering the wheel” as they see fit; and most importantly, spreading the Fediverse’s moderation resources thin, due to a way larger influx of users and Meta’s shitty moderation). I’m not mad by people who want to federate with Meta, as it sounds really cool to federate with a bunch more people and present to them the wonderful world of the Fediverse. I’m just a bit let down because those people won’t realize that things will barely be as cool as they sound once they try federating with Meta.