I am thinking of getting a robot vacuum. But I think I read a lot of them send a lot of information about the goings on of your house back to the company. And I want no part of that. Which companies should I avoid or look at. And anything else I should worry about besides the “does it work” part?
My robot vacuum doesn’t do WiFi, so unless it has an expensive GSM modem, it can’t send anything.
OTOH, it just sweeps floors, and lacks built-in voice assistant, freemium subscription with a paid option to also sweep the hallway, smart speaker mode, companion/pet mode, built-in games, or all the rest that the modern equivalent of a broom ought to be capable of…
So which brand is it?
Sorry for the cliffhanger. That’s ILIFE. I didn’t have the opportunity to check, and I didn’t remember it by heart.