It’s small steps, not medium steps dammit!
It’s small steps, not medium steps dammit!
??? Both options are the same thing tho?
Bing chat will do it
I’m more scared of cassowaries.
Human code review is very error prone
What the hell has rayman been up to? Didn’t the rabbids come from his franchise too?
So about the same as a photograph then
Not all hashes are for security. They’re called perceptual hashes
Probably a case of definitional drift of the word, because it probably should be just for the security kind.
Perceptual hashes, I think they’re called
It’s like photography. Photography + photoshop for some workflows. There’s a low barrier to entry.
Would you say the same thing to someone proud of how their tracing came out?
misis + sippi
mister + sippi
Start with an interpreter just running on a website. Low barrier to entry is key at the start