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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • This is so comically wrong I don’t know where to start. SMS was fucked from the get go, especially in the US where it was common to charge by the message for SMS. Seriously. It was $0.25 to send and $0.10 to receive them on a lot of people’s plans.

    The wireless carriers fucked SMS, and will absolutely fuck up RCS - along with all the various providers out there. It’s a dogshit standard that isn’t broadly interoperable still.

    iMessage was a breath of fresh air for people who did use SMS.

  • I think I’m arguing the exact opposite. We should ban/defederate nazis and tankies. But we shouldn’t ban people with different views that aren’t beyond the pale.

    You can have a nuanced opinion of Israel/Palestine without being labeled as a genocide denier since it’s still in the fog of war.

    It’s much harder to have a nuanced opinion about Rohingya, the Holocaust, Uyghur, Darfur.

  • Exposure to other viewpoints is good. No need to debate. And if you’re on a large instance, you’ll see that. Not everyone thinks alike, there are shades of gray. Discussion is allowed to happen but intolerance isn’t tolerated.

    The tankie instances ban anyone for even asking questions politely that they don’t agree with. It’s a total monoculture and I assume they’re mostly still kids, because everything is black and white and can be solved without any nuance at all.

  • Except there are a lot of people like the first half of the parent I replied to that have a “Israel reaped what they sowed on October 6” attitude. But somehow don’t have a similar “they have reaped what they sowed” attitude towards Gaza right now.

    Which isn’t quite right.

    No one wants to share their toys since 1917. Both sides have alternatingly done ugly things that are, to our modern sensibilities, probably war crimes and ethnic cleansing. Previously, it was just war.

    We did the same/worse things to Native Americans. Spain and Portugal did the same/worse things to the Aztecs and Incas. Britain did the same/worse things to almost everyone.

    I just don’t think either side is justified but pretending like Palestine is any more or less of a victim than Israel in this whole mess doesn’t really seem to ring true if you look at the whole history.