• 2 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 19th, 2024


  • Not the one you asked, but please allow me give my take on the matter.

    Do you know if you can still do everything with it? Like atomic already has its own limitations and quirks. I can imagine there are bigger limitations with this.

    Being derived from Fedora Atomic, already comes with its own set of limitations; like being limited in which kernel mods you can make use of (without reinventing the wheel), or how UKI is unsupported or how you should probably create your own image if you want to populate /usr. You can’t even install software from any repository; e.g. installing the ProtonVPN RPM has been hit or miss for me.

    And, on top of this, secureblue’s hardening does (strictly) limit this even further. Most impactful, so far, would be the inability to use sudo or anything like it. Instead, run0 is suggested. I’m 100% sure that run0 is better. However, I’ve had at least 1 occasion on which the software doesn’t know how to properly interact in this setting. Ultimately, I’d have to give the blame on the software that doesn’t properly support run0. And, perhaps, you could help address the issue by opening a bug report related to it. But it’s definitely something to keep in mind.

    Finally, note on first setup you’re walked through the many different additional hardening that can be reverted based on your needs. Just be aware of that fact.

    Like can you install driver-level stuff like tablet drivers

    Maybe. Depends on what exactly it is.

    GPU/CPU control

    I have.

    udev rules

    Shouldn’t be a problem either.

    etc… I guess I don’t really know the implications of the extra hardening.

    If you’re interested, I suppose the best course of action would be to find a secondary device of yours and setup it to your heart’s content with secureblue. Whenever you face a roadblock, consider paying a visit to their discord server for support; they’ve been a great help so far. If, at some point, you find something you absolutely can’t do, then you’d have to make up your mind on what you deem more important. Wish ya the best of luck!

  • To add onto what N.E.P.T.R said, it is technically possible to make a custom amalgamation of Bazzite with secureblue’s hardening. However, it would be neither here or there. Some discussion of it can be found here. IIRC, it was ultimately deemed counter-intuitive as a gaming-distro inherently conflicts with a hardened one.

    Finally, we shouldn’t disregard the technical part of this; it’s IIRC one of the reasons why the Bluefin-variants of secureblue were eventually disbanded. It frequently had a lot of interesting bugs that were simply not present on other secureblue-images. This isn’t on Bluefin either, as the non-hardened edition worked as you’d expect.

  • Thank you for chiming in and providing your thoughts!

    While we’re at it, I absolutely appreciate your work. Wonderful stuff! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

    UKI is something we very much want to do in the future, but it’s a long-term goal

    That’s lovely to hear!

    As far as replacing the init system, I think even in traditional Fedora that would be extremely challenging, but it could probably be done as a custom image.

    Aight. I’ll change the list then. Thank you for enlightening me on this. The feasibility as a custom image is really encouraging; perhaps I’ll give it a go 😜.

  • Bazzite seemed much closer to being truely immutable

    If you meant that it’s even harder to tinker/change/configure etc compared to SteamOS, then I’d like to inform you that this is false. Fedora Atomic, and thus Bazzite, facilitates quite a lot actually. Of course, it’s not as moldable as say Arch or Gentoo. To illustrate this, I won’t bother you with all the things it can do. Because that would take a while. Instead, I’ll only focus on the things it actually can not do. On the top of my head, the following comes to mind:

    • Rip systemd out and replace it with another init, but I’m unaware if traditional Fedora even facilitates this to begin with. Bazzite’s founder came by and corrected me on this. Even this is probably possible as a custom image.
    • UKI
    • Setup systemd-boot (or any other bootloader) instead of GRUB
    • Kmods can be hit or miss; what’s found here is accessible. What remains can be very finicky.
    • 3rd party repositories can be hit or miss; for example, both Terra and Tailscale work, but e.g. ProtonVPN may not.