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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023


  • Outside of suicidality, it’s important to not give advice outside of what’s asked for. It’s useful to talk in respect to your own experiences and not make universal claims about what works for you personally.

    Thanks for this.

    There is a german proverb for this: “Ratschläge sind auch Schläge”, meaning that advice, even when given with good intention, feels like a punch. Every time someone gave me advice i didn’t ask for while depressed felt horrible, like an accusation of laziness and lack of discipline. Don’t do this.

  • i know what you are going through, i am going to install linux on my current pc (when i worked up enough bravery… well at least i already created the boot media). I have already experience selfhosting services with Debian (in the time before Docker), but since gaming is what this PC is built for and i have a NVidia card that´s a pretty poor choice from what i gathered here.

    Over the last few months i was thinking about going with Pop_OS (“i really really didn’t like Gnome the last time i had to deal with it”), then Arch (“Do i really want to shoot myself in the foot? There’s archinstall, but i really don’t want to tinker too much on this machine…”), and now i settled for Nobara (the “gaming” Fedora so to speak, using KDE per default).

    I’m now 99% sure that it should be the right one for me, but the thought of doing it makes me quite nervous.

    i’m still looking for alternatives for a few windows programs; the main one i will miss dearly is Playnite. There seems to be nothing that offers the integration of all my libraries, my ROMs and emulators, automatic downloading of metadata and boxart, achievements, start scripts for games … i could go on forever :-(

  • i join in on the PSU chorus. no bluescreen normally means power loss, so either the PSU craps out, or it doesn’t get the power. a defect of the mainboard is not completely out of the question tho.

    grab yourself the free version of HWInfo64, and check the voltages below, they should be a) stable (and i mean stable - mine do not move at all and i would be concerned if they did) and b) close to the values in the name (12v, 3.3v, 5v). since you have complete power loss, it’s probably the 12v.

    PSUs do age and lose about 10% of “maximum wattage” where they still stay in tolerance levels per year.

    e: even if the voltages seem stable and ok i would still start looking at replacing the PSU if it’s old. e2: a classic one would be loose cables tho, either Power Cable or the 12v connector to the mainboard

  • yeah, that myth is constantly popping up. it’s just that whatever bacteria live in your bladder just dont grow outside of it, and thats what makes it look “sterile” if you just check with standard media.

    Thats also an issue with everything growing in the stomach, like heliobacter pylori - you have to provide the living conditions of the inside of the stomach to grow and keep a sample for research.

  • I legit had the following interaction.

    Me: Please close all windows you have currently opened. Costumer: Ok, one moment. leaves phone, comes back 2 minutes later. Me: It will take quite long if you are not sitting in front of your computer, can you relocate there? Costumer: I am in front of the computer, i just closed all windows just like you told me. Me: dies internally

    I had another client with ADSL, asked them what modem they used: Client: “My modem is colorful and full of lights!”

    seriously, tech support is funny shit if it doesn’t happen to you.