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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Genocide is the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.

    What the Nazis did to the Jews was genocide. What the Chinese are currently doing to the Uyghurs is genocide. The Circassian genocide in Russia was happening around the same time as the US genocide of the Native Americans.

    The troll doesn’t understand the meaning of genocide, and doesn’t understand strategic bombing. The US didn’t want to extinguish the Japanese, and neither the Japanese of that era or the current era believe(d) it was genocide. They had great respect for US General Douglas MacArthur, so much so that Japanese Emperor Hirohito stood side by side with him and publicly declared his respect for his one-time opponent.

    Trolls seem to think US schools don’t teach this stuff. My children learned it and taught it to my immigrant ass.

  • What is Russia’s perspective? They invaded, and now they’re upset they could lose the land they stole in 2014. They wanted a warm water port. They got it. But then they wanted all of the farm land in Ukraine, so they invaded again. Now they have no hope of gaining the farmland, and they may never get full use of the warm water port in Crimea. There is zero chance the Ukrainian people stop harassing Crimea.

    NATO expanded as a result of the 2014 invasion (2017, 2020, 2023), so that member nations can maintain their ancestral lands and have no fear of being invaded by… You guessed it: Russia

  • So what you’re saying is like: China annexes all of Russia, bombs the hell out of it, and then says “why won’t they just agree to stop fighting? We’re doing this for you! We raped your citizens and deported your children because your leaders are (ironically) Jewish Nazis!”

    Why should any sovereign nation give up land to invaders, especially when they’re in the middle of an offensive campaign? The US News is reporting Ukraine is about to start an offensive in Crimea, so why on earth would they stop to negotiate with a bully who is currently getting their asses charred?

    When you’re winning at LoL or Fortnite, do you suddenly go to your opponent and say “Hey man! We should stop fighting, and share this victory! I don’t like that I’m currently winning! Here’s half my inventory and points. Enjoy!”

    Your username kinda gives you away. You should consider using one of your alts

  • Ahhh yes! The Wagner “coup” preceded by a military buildup on the Russian side! Didn’t something similar happen in Russia recently? If memory serves, the leader of both coups is still alive and still a person that even Putin can’t just kill off. What was his name? Yevgeny Prigozhin, you say? Tell us more about the coup!

    And now Ukraine is hitting downtown Moscow with drones. That coup?

    Edit: You see, the trolls don’t know how to respond when they’re not allowed to talk about a subject that could hurt the viewpoint of Russian/Chinese propaganda. Next up: labor death camps! How’s that diplomat from China that went missing? Is Navalny in good health?

  • Bahaha look at you. “Everyone who disagrees with me is a bootlicker/troll/westerner.”

    Edit for the bootlicking troll below: Ahem A straw man fallacy is the informal fallacy of refuting an argument different from the one actually under discussion, while not recognizing or acknowledging the distinction. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be “attacking a straw man”.

    You don’t understand what a straw man is.

    You’re really bad at this. You even tried to copy my comment and failed miserably! Congratulations, you’re stupid in two languages!

  • Don’t feed the troll. He’s an actual professional troll who will try his hardest to drag you into a debate. I like to just keep editing my comments with new links that refute his claims, and that’s when he totally loses it and gives me -30 and himself +55 updoots on a post with a grand total of 18 votes. He’s really aggressive but he’s not very good at his job.

    Edit: I can see he has gone through my post history and downvoted everything so I have 0 or negative karma or whatever it’s called… and he did it a week afterwards. He’s a spiteful little troll, isn’t he? I don’t care about updoots. You can’t silence the truth, you dumb fuck.