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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • It’s worth the trip, I promise. I grew up in Phoenix so I didn’t see it for a long time. It’s nuts. It absorbs sound really well, so after fresh snowfall, everything is so quiet it’s surreal. And then you hear the sound and sensation of walking through it, which is an experience in and of itself.

  • You joke, but Reddit did something to piss me off a few months before the current fuckery, and I decided to find an alt and there weren’t really any, like I found Mastodon but that’s more of a Twitter replacement, never encountered this site while searching. What I ended up doing was downloading a bunch of books and putting them on my phone, then putting the books app where my Apollo app used to be on my homescreen. Now, more often than not, when I go to scroll, I end up just opening a book. I’ve got a little over 40 on there, they keep my progress, even across devices, and they work when there’s no signal so I no longer have to fear public toilets with shitty cell signal lol.

  • I think if you are in the business of selling art, and you aren’t the type of artist who has a really serious reputation, you gotta throw a few things in your offering that are hilariously overpriced just to see if one day someone buys it. I don’t make furniture, but I do a lot of cooking and if I opened up a restaurant, I totally would put a few items on the menu that are only there to identify the people who have more money than sense. Like a burger with a gold leaf on it or something stupid like that for 500 mdollars.