• sazey@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Ridiculous conclusions once again. Why the fuck are cows being fed corn? Cows should be eating grass, something humans cannot process, in order to provide something that we can. While we are at it, corn isn’t all that nutritious either. It will suffice if you are starving but it will never provide long term nutrition needs for any population.

    Humans are omnivores, get over it. Being a meat eater isn’t a choice, look at all the emaciated Auschwitz looking mfers that eventually resort back to meat eating after decades of being vegans. Animal products, especially organ meat, are the best source of maximally bio available nutrients and minerals you will find anywhere in nature. Your precious plants do not want to be eaten and in fact contain anti nutrients and such to discourage you from doing so.

    If you want to talk environment at more than the spoon-fed surface level narrative that you are regurgitating, look at what planting monocrops is doing to top soil quality all over the world, not to mention the extreme disruption tilling and such cause to the local ecosystem. Don’t strawman me again by talking factory farming, that is a cruel practice that ought to be outlawed. Responsible cattle rearing improves the local ecosystem due to the fertilising and soil-churning action of the animals, they eat what we can’t and covert them into things we can and even plants benefit from grazing action. Animals can even graze in areas not suitable for crop growing.

    It is obvious you have too much soy clogging up your brain to actually apply your own thinking to this subject and not just be spoon fed like a momo.

    • MindTraveller@lemmy.ca
      2 months ago


      However, the vast majority of cows in the United States live on factory farms. Factory farms depend on cheap and unsustainable animal feed, such as corn and soy, to maximize profits at the expense of animal welfare.

      In 2019, beef cows’ feed consisted of 57% corn and 21% DDGs. Adding DDGs to corn’s share represented roughly 80% of all feed tonnage given to beef cows in 2019.

      Like dairy cows, beef cows are given some hay and grass. It also makes up a smaller percentage than corn, soy, and DDGs. In 2019, beef cows consumed 59.7 million tons of alfalfa and hays compared to 107.7 million tons of corn products, 2.5 million tons of soybean products, and 13.9 million tons DDGs.

      Hey it’s a source with hard numbers that cows be eating corn and soy more than grass.

      Ridiculous conclusions once again. Why the fuck are cows being fed corn? Cows should be eating grass,

      They ain’t though. You eating corn-fed cows. Why are you choosing the environmentally irresponsible option? Just have some roast potatoes for dinner and save the trouble of shoving corn down a cow’s throat.