OP please fix the title. As Woeklchen says, it’s not the full game but more of a glorified demo where you can only use one given fighter per week.
Its the same version they launched when it released on XBone, which like you said is a demo really. It’s supposed to rotate characters, but I never saw it then and wouldn’t think now.
They also removed KI1, KI2, and the Killer Cuts tracks.
Okey dokey I trust you
Source, in case anyone wants more details. https://www.pcgamer.com/a-decade-after-launching-as-a-free-game-on-xbox-one-killer-instinct-is-going-free-to-play-on-pc/
“Players who download the free version on its release, meanwhile, will instead have access to a single fighter, who will rotate among the cast weekly.”
Awesome! I played the hell out of Killer Instinct on SNES growing up.
Don’t be too excited: “a free weekly rotating fighter”. KI had a demo with a single fighter before but I think it was exclusive to the Microsoft Store. The news is only about that version coming to Steam.
Ah bummer. Thanks for the heads up.