If so, do you consistently report it and get the feeling that it gets dealt with? Of course there are instances dedicated solely to being human trash

  • StaticBoredom@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    I have not seen it yet, though I have no doubt that it exists.

    I believe that in real life as in the fediverse, hate speech and bigotry of all kinds needs to be very firmly shot down. Immediately downvote and block that shit. It has no place here, or anywhere.

    That being said, debating or even engaging with these pricks is worse than pointless because you’ll never change their minds and will only give them a platform.

    • Th4tGuyII@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Almost certainly, as you say, only way to control it is report it wherever you see it. Don’t let it spread.

      • rebul@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        I try to wake up each day and not be offended by everything. This way I don’t see a racist/bigot behind every tree.

        • Otome-chan@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          this honestly. There’s a huge difference between “waaah this person disagreed with me!!” and someone actually being fucking rude and hateful. People who are progressive in their politics tend to conflate them for whatever reason.

          Like, yeah, no one likes when someone is going around shouting slurs at people and generally just saying blatantly hateful shit (death threats, slurs, etc style content). But so many people end up crying that “oh you’re pro-life therefore you’re a sexist and misogynist and pushing hate speech you bigot!” like wtf?

          I get this a lot as someone who is transsexual. I’ll merely talk about my transsexualism, explain the science and biology behind my condition, and then suddenly I’m a “hateful transphobic bigot” because I had the audacity to agree with the scientific literature rather than some random person’s political beliefs. Like no, I’m not being hateful towards you simply by talking about my medical condition and the science around that. What’s happening is that you’re disagreeing with me.

          Whenever people place huge emphasis on “combatting hate speech” unfortunately it’s always this “disagreeing with me is hate speech” shit, and not actually dealing with hateful content.

          Saying shit like “if you’re a gay man who doesn’t want to fuck someone with a vagina, you’re a bigot and you’re choosing to be like that” is blatantly homophobic and hateful (my phrasing here is nicer than some I’ve seen), yet it gets praised and rewarded and declared “not hate speech” because it happens to align politically with those constantly crying about “hate speech”.