For a long time I have used google drive sheets in order to keep track of gym progress because it has columns and I can dedicate columns, colors, rows, etc for specific gym movements each week so I can keep track of progress, progressive overload correctly, and have a history of progress. ( Example: days | weight | push | bench::weight*sets/reps | etc)
I have been using libreofffice (and syncthing to back up to home server so I can later view on pc) to do this lately but the mobile app is … Hard to use for me. I also use obsidian to take general notes and lists but it is missing the dedicated columns I would like.
Is there other self hosted similar options for what I’m looking for specifically for mobile to PC backup.
A few options - What about Tables in NextCloud? Also I’m sure that there are some self hosted exercise trackers out there. Maybe FitTrackee
I’ve looked into multiple fitness trackers like this one but they focus more on ’ activities’ like running distance, hiking area etc not how many sets of bench you did at what weight (weight lifting exercises) Maybe I just looked at the wrong ones but FitTrackee looks to not support that.
What about https://wger.de/en/software/features
If you remind me in 15 days Ill add the app to Yunohost wishlist.
Neat didn’t see this one before. I will also try this out the setup looks daunting to be honest though but I’ll try
I was going to add this to the wishlist for Yunohost.org - It could be a useful addition - I find that Yunohost makes self hosting pretty straightforward.
Can you use their instance to start with?
ah yeah. Its worth having a look at a few and maybe starting a discussion about adding those kind of features. I know nothing about weightlifting but it sounds like your requirements would be common ones.
What other Apps have you looked at?
It’s quite limited. I would recommend Grist instead.
Is that #grist https://github.com/gristlabs/grist-core ?
Yes, it is. I’ve been using the OSS image and it has been working quite well.