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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Why? Does 95% of digital advertisement even serve a single valuable purpose?

    I get that websites need funding and that legitimate business require some way communicate their services exist. We need to solve the problem for the former and create specialized accessible safe spaces for the later.

    When is the last time anyone here saw an ad for a local business, when is the last time anyone recall willfully clicking one? Was there actually anything useful there?

    From what i recall ads almost always are one of the following:

    • sex, barely legal drugs and predatory video games. (Lumped together to make a bad pun)

    • real product/fake price: oh this item isnt in stock plz look at catalog

    • politics, buy our guide to get rich, actual illegal scam operation.

    None of them are honest or respectful to the customer. People aren’t prey, stop baiting.

    Admittedly, for me this is personal. Autism means i experience the extra noise as painful. Plastering it on useful websites feels like a hostile attack to keep me out and unwelcome. I downright refuse to look at watch nor will i support them through ad free subscriptions to the point of it having become a digital disability.

    But come on, can we smart online people really not figure out something else that isn’t based on literal brainwashing.

  • I see what you mean. I agree people need much more tangible details about how climate change is already effecting them and will affect us in the future. As well as the sheer out of proportion footprint of for profit industry.

    But even if you where to communicate the details, people would still need to care to listen. The most effective path is probably a bit of both, radical action to turn heads but also have those actions carrying a more directly explicit message other then “acknowledge us” .

  • Well you could always just use the proper name. The cc license in question IS anti commercial. A great deal of ai is opens source and non commercial and to those cc is fair game. But if commercial is where you draw the line then envoking this license may do.

    This comment is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International)

    Calling it “anti-ai” when its not removes power from your argument. Your invoking something that does not exit and linking to something seemingly unrelated.

    Now the bigger question i have, have had since i have seen people do this.

    Why is there still not an actual anti-ai license? Seems obvious that there is a need for it? I dont know much about how licenses are created but it strikes me as odd.

  • Don’t force yourself to smoke more unless you actually feel it improves your situation.

    I absolutely get using it for work even while such a thing is heavily looked down upon on. If not for cananbinoid medicine to make me appear normal i would have been fired a long time ago, its rare to meet someone who understands this.

    As for creative outlets, they don’t need to be huge projects that you never Finnish. Also remember that the goal is to accomplish a creation. The act of maintaining a creative process is where the health bonus i tried.

    Some personal recommendations.

    • view personal challenges as if they are puzzles. Your own behavioral tendencies as game mechanics. puzzle with your game mechanics to create a system where you get closer to succeeding the personal challenge with the least amount of effort.

    • Jack Herer is a great medicinal strain, stay away from unknown weed. Having a consistent source of the same known strains and knowing your dosage is the difference between medicinal use and drug abuse.

    • if you like good tactile feedback invest in a good keyboard that makes you want to type just for the feeling. I understand that this may be difficult for you cause you do appear to miss basically any reward feedback but the idea is to start typing down some of your ideas and fantasies as an excuse to use tockle on your keyboard.

    • If you have an interest in computers, move to linux if you havent already. You learn so much about computers in general and you have so much freedom you can design your experience to be tailored to your needs. Its a good symbiosis of technical and creative ideas.

    Video games that stimulate the creative processes: Minecraft, Rimworld, The sims, Actively modding games, like skyrim or cyberpunk.

    Regardless of if this advice is useful, I wish you the best. Its rare to meet someone who’s challenges hit so close to home, even in autistic circles.

  • webghost0101@sopuli.xyzto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneSpongeRule
    16 days ago

    Fellow autist here.

    I have had a theory for many years that part of my autism is related to a unbalanced endocannabinoid system where i do not make enough dopamine as part of the natural reward process.

    I bet you already tried full spectrum cannabinoid oil containing both cbd and thc. But if not i highly recommend it. But not to get high. I personally found a good dosage that allows me to boost the ecs the right amount to have it function more similar to others.

    I am curious to know if you ever tried dmt? Real Breakthrough does not compare to conventional psychedelics but if you already state that to much lsd ruined your (creative) right hemisphere i am not sure i can recommend it.

    What can absolutely recommend for intrusive fantasy is recreational immersive daydreaming. I have a feeling you may already be doing this but in the form of Maladaptive daydreaming

    What i realized for me is that its all about balance in your mind. I love working with logic, structure and math and general very left hemisphere stuff. But i also have a real need to stimulate my right hemisphere trough a creative process.

    If i don’t foster my creativity and ability to fantasize i become distressed and borderline psychotic making me unable to work with logic and structure.

    I always make sure i have acces to a creative outlet, be it a specific task on my job (i am fortune to have alot of freedom though) or a side hobby.

    Whenever i have time alone (which is also a need many neurodivergent people share) i tap into fantasy to simulate a world around me where i have absolutely creative control. Its also fairly useful because you can simulate situations from real life to study them up close.

  • I think my partner has a good dose of this. Excelled at test taking but struggles to live up to expectations post education.

    I don’t think it’s relevant to what i did, i never have issue generating novel ideal to successfully tackle a problem and i spend a fair amount on coding which requires good problem solving.

    If annoying i had a problem with understanding the default solution so i had no choice then come up with a new one using my logic. But at that point it really is just called autism.

  • Actually that is sort of what happend in the end of my school career

    I always understood the underlaying logic so i never needed to learn that. But then sin cos and tan happend and for some reason i don’t understand them.

    I have been able to memorize their formulas on multiple occasions but i start mixing them up in less then a minute every time, i swear its actually ridiculous how inept i am at memorizing and not mixing stuff up even with mnemonics.

    I had to hand in an exam with half the pages unanswered. Twice. I wad lucky the first time because the half I did was without error and worth more then 50%. The second time, not so much and i had to defend my non existent answer before a jury.

    Yesterday i learned more about algebraic topology out of curiosity, i also dabble with statistical analysis and frequently use all kinds of math in programming.

    Just a minute ago i looked for a simple explanation what sin cos tan are about and its stil the same, and i know its supposedlyJust hightail school level but i don’t understand what they are for at all it makes me nervous its my Achilles’ heel of math.

  • What do you mean with a human author? Sorry you actually lost me on this. Student logic is the skill of taking school tests right? Cause outside math i had very low grades.

    I rely on the same mathematical logic but the calculation is done intuitive, like a gut feeling. Thats not the “reverse engineering of formulas” i talked about, that i just did because school expected it of me. But it relies on this very useful ability.

    As you use math intuitively you become more intuitive at it, honing the ability. School did not provide a platform to do so while it makes you better at normal calculations as well

    The example i gave that does best illustrate it is seeing the sizes of things without having to check labels, markings or actually measure. Especially useful for domestic jobs Like hanging up a mirror on the wall. Or when visiting stores like an ikea.

    Another term I believe for it is eyeballing it. But i cant see how you think it isn’t useful outside of schools. (Pun intended)

    I have been outside school for more than 10 years. I use all kinds of mathematical principles on a day to day basis (part of how i perceive the world) but solutions requiring specific formulas pretty much never happens and when it very rarely does happen (i think i used Pythagorean once 2 years ago), i just google it.

    Oh its also super useful in video games like Minecraft where you have to do a lot of math but cant be bothered to take a calculator. But video games aint real life so it doesn’t count.