Beta testing

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  • 17 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • Funny thing is it’s not a proper lake, and not very old. It’s an artificial basin that was originally prepared to allow for control of the height of a canal dug all the way from the Thames a few miles away, for transport. But they finished it not long before the railway came, and it went bankrupt, and the canal path itself was sold off to a railway company and is now the path of one of the main London rail lines. As a result there are roads near me, nowhere near water, named things like Towpath Way and Canal Walk.

  • We actually had to step over still wet seaweed at the bottom of the path (the darker bit at the end of the path) to even get onto the beach at this spot, so the normal tidal variations even during a relatively calm summer weekend still got all the way to foot of the walls. I would not particularly like to see the insurance costs or list of things that are not covered for the closest properties. Most of the properties along that stretch are set above fairly sizable seawalls.

    Ryde is facing the Solent, the strait between Isle of Wight and “mainland” England, so I guess it’s more sheltered than some other parts of the island, but they must still get plenty of nasty weather during the winter.

  • My own. My Emacs config grew over years to several thousand lines, and it got to a point where I decided I could write an editor in fewer lines that it took to configure Emacs how I liked it. It’s … not for everyone. I’m happy with it, because it does exactly only the things I want it to, and nothing else, but it does also mean getting used to quirks you can’t be bothered to fix, and not getting to blame someone else when you run into a bug.

    That said, writing your own editor is easier than people think, as long as you leverage libraries for whichever things you don’t have a pressing need to customize (e.g. mine is written in Ruby, and I use Rouge for syntax highlighting, and I believe Rouge is more lines of code than the editor itself thanks to all the lexers)

  • My first “paid” programming project (I was paid in a used 20MB harddrive, which was equivalent to quite a bit of money for me at the time):

    Automate a horse-race betting “system” that it was blatantly obvious to me even at the time, at 14 or so, was total bullshit and would just lose him money. I told the guy who hired me as much. He still wanted it, and I figured since I’d warned him it was utter bunk it was his problem.

  • V H@lemmy.stad.socialOPtocats@lemmy.worldReggie and the Fox
    9 months ago

    The foxes here are so well fed and chill most of the time that the cats have lost almost respect for them… They’re still a bit cautious (which is good, because there certainly are incidents of foxes killing cats) but overall it’s pretty peaceful.

    Especially when it’s hot and nobody wants to run around.

  • This is basically the concept of a Webring, and used to be big. Some were fixed (as in the path through the ring was always the same), but some were more flexible or random or semi-random.

    A decentralised approach would be new, and not necessarily too hard since the dataset for each ring would be small, so each member could just store all or a subset of the entries in their ring and submit updates to their “neighbours” in the ring that’d eventually spread out to everyone. The challenge is moderation - you’ll still end up with some entities that have a privileged position to weed out bad entries, because the appeal was always to a large extent to make discovery “someone else’s problem” and the moment you let someone put links on your site someone will try to abuse it.