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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • That reminds me of when some of my former colleagues and I were on a training about programming industrial camera system that judges the quality of produced parts. I’m not really a programmer, just a guy who can troubleshoot and google stuff and occasionally hack together a simple code with heavy help from Google too.

    The guy was a German (we are Czech and we communicated in English) programmer who coded the whole thing in Omron software but he also wrote his own plugin for it. All was well when he was showing us on the big screen, but when he sent us the program file so we could experiment on it (changing parameters, adding steps to the flow…) the app would crash. I finally delved into the app logs and with the help of Google I found it was because he compiled his plugin with debug flags and it worked for him because he had the VS debug DLLs installed but we didn’t.

  • I pretty successfuly ran a combo of TP-Link with OpenWRT connected with cable to a cheap dumb Edimax, which in turn was connected through wifi to downstairs Zyxel ADSL router from O2 ISP.

    Essentially the Edimax bridged the internet (there was only one place where the signal was strong enough) from downstairs, sent it to the TP-Link and that one spread wifi on the upstairs floor (so we could use phones/notebook) and my brother’s and mine desktop PCs were connected to it by cable. A bit of an overcomplicating simple problem, but it worked (otherwise we would either have no wifi or would have to buy a different router with 2 separate WiFi chips).

  • This is a dumb argument. Yes, my phone uses Linux. How many of the Android users actively come in contact with the underlying system?

    Mainstream Linux means a big part of people actively choosing to install a Linux distribution or buy a computer or notebook with a real Linux distro pre installed (not that lightweight barebones distro they preinstall so they can sell it without Windows but with OS).

    I use Gentoo, the family PC has OpenSUSE, only my wife’s laptop has Windows… Because guess what, she wants to use what she’s used to, what she knows.

  • My bet would be wine grabbing the audio device and not using Pipe wire/PulseAudio. It happened to me once, I believe I solved it by recompiling something (PipeWire, wine or the gst plugins). I would recommend trying to run Discord and the game in terminal, it might show some error to help with troubleshooting.