• 42 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Implementation was rather bad on Linux despite reports and warnings of extreme breakage during the beta, and the legacy client was the only escape hatch for many after they bricked it following force pushing the beta into the mainline client, with no rollback option. If you follow Valve’s bugzilla tracker, you will see hundreds of bug tickets over the last month relating to this UI, which didn’t account for regressions around CEF, Gnome, upstream Nvidia drivers, focus-follows-mouse, memory leaks, screen readers for the blind, instability with system dependencies (Steam carries around a basket of old dependencies), and more. Here is but one example: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/9805. Steam only targets Ubuntu and seemingly only tests on that platform, and in so doing this causes a myriad of problems. It’s not an aesthetic issue.

    Speaking of memory leaks, one of the most egregious issues right now is the client rapidly consuming all VRAM within a matter of minutes when the window is interacted with (https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/9638), effectively killing the system and making rendering games impossible.

  • I think you missed the minus sign there and misread this, I will translate it: “The chance for rare loot to drop should be continuously reduced by 10% for every hour you log inside the game. I.e., you should receive rewards for completing difficult challenges rapidly, that is, skillfully.” The implication seems to be that if the challenge is hard and you are not good at it, and are just throwing yourself at a wall repeatedly, or the challenge is non-existent/mindless (chore simulator), if you are repetitively doing either and grinding hours away, they are one and the same, and neither is a meritorious achievement. I think this is an interesting angle, as very few games reward skill expression or eureka moments as a momentous achievement. The vast majority, genre and budget irrespective, rely on the (easier to implement) crutch of locking progression behind pointless tedium, so given enough hours sunk in, everyone can win. It is interesting to think about how, whether, and under what conditions games could reward the above.

  • Laika

    Similar reaction. Game looks aesthetically pleasing, but it feels very hard to innovate within the matrix of a sidescroller, so unless you are a diehard sidescroller player, might not offer something amazing. The game also crashed a lot for me so I didn’t get very far and just gave up on it. There wasn’t a big hook here that would have made me want to persist through crashes.


    Haven’t played this one, but take a look at Peaks of Yore. Make sure to turn off all of the postprocessing so you get simple polygons.

    En Garde

    Had CTDs with this one, too. Looks like I didn’t miss much, but the core concept seems entertaining if they flesh it out.

    Lies of P

    I need to get around to trying this one. I have this habit of putting off bigger demos till the end.

  • I agree, it’s hard to find games that just throw you in the deep end nowadays without a gentle progression curve and meta upgrades. Incidentally, check out the Odinfall demo on Steam (if it doesn’t crash on you, devs patched it and introduced a CTD regression). It’s a tough as nails spiritual successor to Nuclear Throne that actually feels like it was cast in the same mold.