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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2023

  • Sounds like an excuse.

    What I mean is: it sounds like his handlers kept making excuses and you kept accepting them because you wanted to believe them.

    I know, I’m frustrated too. I dismissed the Alex Jones Fox News crowd because they were known liars, they’d lied to us for decades, and this really did seem like standard conservative projection to deflect from their candidates’ obvious mental issues.

    Hate to admit it. But the conservatives were right and we were wrong.

  • I agree. I’m not a coder or web developer so I wasn’t sure if I was missing something, but it also looks to me like the point is “make it easier to host your own website on your home computer and home Internet connection.”

    And most people don’t host their own websites, at home or on a hosted Amazon server or whatever, not because of big tech or how difficult it is to host, but because most people don’t have a good reason to. And I don’t see how this project changes that.

  • If you want to judge whether energy consumption is a waste, you have to consider the value of what’s consuming that energy.

    Keeping the internet running? A global storehouse of humanity’s collective knowledge available to almost everyone around the world for free? The ability to communicate in real time with your family on the other side of the world, or coordinate protests in every major city in your country, or host a live meeting that would have required fifty people to fly cross country into a single zoom room?

    Yeah, data farms could become more efficient and sustainable, as could we all. But I don’t begrudge the power they spend one bit. 2% of global energy consumption is low for the benefit.

    Compare to Bitcoin, which accounts for 0.5% of global energy consumption, and benefits no one and nothing…

  • I like to imagine that most intelligent species of the universe evolved from eusocial insect analogues or herd animals or solitary predators, and our weird tribal ape habit of domesticating and pack bonding with various predator species - and our general attitude that large predators are cool and exciting to be around because as we evolved domestication we modified our own brains to have positive associations with potentially domesticatible species - freaks them the fuck out.

    It’s like every other alien species is the Utah Conservation Department’s Twitter page warning people not to pet mountain lions and we’re all yelling “but if not friend, why friend shaped” at the whole universe.

  • iOS devs on the other hand often only support the newest version of iOS, so if your device doesn’t get new OS updates any more, you can toss it.

    And the newest versions of iOS only run smoothly on the newest iPhone hardware, so if you want your phone to keep running quickly and smoothly you have to keep updating to the newest hardware. Planned obsolescence in action.

  • The blueprint is there to kill the network. Make a load of accounts, spam down shit until you are defederated… Rinse and repeat.

    I think the responsibility lies on the owners of each instance to manage trolls on their instance. If they moderate responsibly and shut down the Nazis and trolls, nobody will defederate them. If they don’t moderate effectively and their instance turns into a cesspool, they’ll get defederated by everybody except other trolls.

    That’s the whole point of the fediverse. You run your instance, and based on what users on your instance do, other instances decide whether or not to federate with it. And if that results in multiple federated networks that don’t federate with one another, that’s fine too. You can’t keep fascists or tankies from downloading server software and setting up an online forum. But you can keep them out of yours.