Would that matter in a world where he has the power of the executive branch? Please, there’s no such thing as “limitations”, “consequences” or “repercussions” for these mentally unstable, rich ass holes. They quite obviously live in a different reality than the rest of us.
Oooo who has more money to throw at chancellor trump to make sure their business becomes the Brawndo of the new age???
“Get the bafoon back on stage to distract the pleebs and give mainstream media something to report other than us making sure only the people we like have rights”
Everything he does is a distraction from what is really going on elsewhere in the government, the systematic destruction of our rights through the judicial and legislative branches.
“When did ‘Rage Against the Machine’ become so woke??? I used to listen to them while I pump iron. Just makes me sad how they are all woke now”
Fucking Putin jr over here
In every cyberpunk story, there is always a group of people that reject the new technology and claim it is an affront to humanity. I can safely say, in this dystopian future we live in, I am solidly in that group of people.
“Meat’s back on the menu boys”
Yet another reason to stop eating there
Sooooo, stop eating there? It’s expensive enough bowing to the grocery cartels, who can afford to eat out?
If these llms are trained on the garbage of the internet, why is everyone surprised they keep spitting out vitriol?
No it’s not. It’s pulling them to “fix the issues” it has. They will be back later and in greater numbers.
“Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses”
Great book/movie
Bet you president musk will make recalls optional to arbitration. “You can spend millions on a recall, or just hundreds of thousands on quietly paying off your vict, er, customers”
Why? “Line must go up”
I would say corporatocracy. Ever since Citizens United, corporations have been making more and more policy and political decisions, placing in power who they believe will advance their agendas of unlimited and never ending profit.
Couple times a day, by myself, constantly.