• 2 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 17th, 2024


  • Yep, this too. They used to feel cool despite being a large corporation. Now they feel like a corporate cesspool with Apps and anti-unions and $10 sandwiches smaller than the size of a drink coaster. It’s not fun anymore, and it’s not fun to just be there, especially with people running in and out with the App to just grab things.

    But look in the positive side, although they probably lost or will lose 30% of their customer base, at least they can increase profits by 1 percent by having more back-end tracking data to sell from some remaining customers willing to download a shitty ad-infected closed source App!

  • Their prices are so expensive. Corporate executives do whatever they need to in order to increase profits right now, even if it destroys a customer base.

    Starbucks also often don’t have bathrooms anymore. Starbucks used to be a place you could go to, sit down, use a bathroom if you wanted, use the Internet, and then buy something reasonably priced if you felt like it, but also just be there without buying anything.

    Now they want KYC through an App before you buy a $20 Latte so you can get a QR code in the App to use a bathroom, if they have one. The enshitification is real and then they are shocked-gasp, shocked!-that fewer people are there. “Why don’t they like the QR Codes?”

  • The fact that things like this happen in the US shows how corrupt lawmakers and the judiciary have become.

    In the US, if you don’t have money, your life is worthless, according to lawmakers and the courts. And, according to the latest Supreme Court decision signed off on by hypocritical Christian Amy Coney Barret, you can be a criminal just because of being poor: yep, that’s what fake imaginary jesus would have definitely wanted.

    She obviously doesn’t believe the bible fairy-tale on some level or she wouldn’t have agreed with the ruling.

    Here is her disgusting hypocrisy on full-blast, the supposed Christian, ruling as jesus would, that the poor are criminals for sleeping: https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-175_19m2.pdf. (She did not write it, but as a Pro-life in all cases Christian, the hypocrisy is fucking astounding.)

    It’s unbelievably disgusting. Even if she knows jesus is fake, it’s cruel and evil. I am mentioning this case because it sets the tone for how people are treated in the US. If a poor person can be locked up for being unable to stay awake, of course they can pull organs out from a criminal without permission. Why not? They can do anything they want until global warming finally comes with its revenge, destroying the planet for the idiocy of the upper-class selfish myopic morons who demand it with their selfishness.

  • they do this when they have nothing to say AND lack power

    if this religious person had power and knew who I was and where I was, and there was a government of like-minded religious dullards, they would be more than willing to light the first twig

    It’s only “oh you poor thing” because my logic has over-whelmed their feeble religious brain like a tidal wave subsuming the shore and they are falling back on delusions of “i hope this person receives mercy.,… because they are so EVIL!!! and the sky god knows all!!!”

    it’s meaningless blather that tells you nothing of the true destructive power of religious idiots

  • The yellow badge was part of a racist ideology based on eugenics pseudoscience.

    This is not race or ethnicity based or part of a political movement. However, if you are a conservative Christian who believes that a virgin gave birth, that Sunday bread has supernatural properties, and listen to the Pope and religious sermons on a regular basis, then YES, IT DOES AFFECT YOUR FETAL PAIN STUDY when you clearly are trying to outlaw abortion because your religion wants that.

    My wanting to know the religious bias of someone believing in illogical fairy tale bullshit is not the equivalent of Nazism, who would have put someone like me to death many times over. I don’t want bullshit to taint science. It’s an understandable request. The atheists of the world have been dealing with religious bullshit for so long, it’s fair to want real data.

    If we had the religious bias of scientists clearly known, it would be illuminating in many ways, including scientific equivalency which has become the new moral equivalency.

    Right now you have “one the one hand, these 90 scientists believe we are all going to die from global warming but these 10 scientists think this is a normal trend”

    I would MUCH rather have “on the one hand, these 90 scientists who believe the world is governed by math think we are all going to die from global warming, and these 10 catholic scientists who think a virgin got pregnant and gave birth without sexual fertilization and that jesus will always protect the planet think this is a normal trend”

    this is not a ridiculous or fascist position and religious bullshit has infected climate science, and studying psychology, and led to justifications for racism and homophobia and OFTEN results in scientific conclusions that conveniently seem to at first line up with religion… until more and more data eventually proves it to be bullshit. This is not about discrimination. I want bullshit out of the data set.

  • The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition defines fascist as an advocate or adherent of fascism, A reactionary or dictatorial person, An adherent of fascism or similar right-wing authoritarian views.

    I’m not saying right now we need to put all religious people to death, I am just tired of their lies infecting science. The idea that the delusional morons who believe their deities float on clouds and their virgins give birth are capable of objective science is preposterous. If such “miracles” exist, then the universe doesn’t follow laws of math. Yes, if we are living in a simulated reality that can be hacked then such miracles could happen, but unless a religious scientist is practicing Kali, I don’t want their religion polluting data with bullshit.

  • I disagree. For hundreds of years, illogical religious beliefs have biased science. People should have a right to know if scientists have religious beliefs so they can be weary of their agendas affecting the results. Many religious beliefs are obviously illogical and make no sense and if a scientist believes them, it does illuminate the likelihood of the accuracy of their results.

    For many years “scientists” said homosexuality was caused by “mental illness” and then suddenly they decided it’s not. There were entire scientific programs devoted to racist beliefs that were psuedoscientific and often impacted by religious views justifying racism. Of course religion biases science and is a problem in having unbiased research!

    I don’t think we should outlaw religious people from practicing science, but their views should at least be known so people can scrutinize their work more closely.

  • The following post my be completely wrong based on new updates to HIPAA and previous suggestions that were not added as expected to revisions. There is one reply below this saying it’s wrong, and they are probably right. This whole post is probably mostly wrong, therefore. I’m leaving it here for now, but it’s incorrect.

    It’s not a textbook HIPAA violation.

    HIPAA has a good-faith exception allowing medical professionals to disclose private medical information when it’s in the best interest of the patient.

    What is in the best interest of the patient?

    Well, following all the rules of the government, which are all there for people’s safety, of course!

    For example, Norma gets pregnant and abortion is legal and she has an abortion. She is relying on HIPAA to keep her medical privacy.

    Abortion then becomes illegal after she had her abortion. A hospital worker, knowing that abortion is illegal, provides this information to the police so that they can monitor Norma to make sure she doesn’t get more abortions. This would be a good-faith exception to HIPAA because the medical worker is breaching Norma’s privacy in Norma’s best interest because he is worried she could break the law by having more abortions, and following the law is always in the interest of safety, no matter what. (Have doubts? Just ask ChatGPT if it’s ever safer to not follow public rules and regulations because of having a different personal belief system.) Norma then sues the medical worker and claims the good-faith exception violated HIPAA, and a court then is left to decide whether this worker was acting in Norma’s best interests, by helping make sure she follows the law, or doing something bad. If the court finds against the worker, it’s at best a slap on the wrist and small fine, but if the hospital worker is in a conservative court, the worker is going to win anyway.

    Worst of all, as a patient, Norma can not opt-out of the good-faith exception. There is no mechanism in the HIPAA rules that allows her to say “You know that good faith exception? I am explicitly requiring you to close that loop-hole for me because I’m a private person, my family and I have different values, and it’s just easier for me this way. I don’t want to have to worry about you deciding something that would make me uncomfortable. If I want you to talk to someone, I’ll give explicit consent beforehand and even emergencies or unusual exceptions don’t change this.” There is no way to opt-out of this awful ambiguous rule. In the medical industry, you either accept their rules and regulations or you walk away and don’t get medical care.

    So sadly, you’re actually totally wrong. I hope this doctor who breached patient privacy claims HIPAA wasn’t violated in just this way so that legislators realize how much they fucked up and so that patients no longer have to hope and pray their doctor doesn’t decide to break privacy in a patient’s supposed best interest. There are so many exceptions and rules change so much that it’s no wonder that women will no longer talk with doctor’s about periods, and women are even afraid to tell therapists about having been raped in certain states.

    It’s honestly better for patients, especially women, to start seeing the medical establishment for what it is: a highly regulated arm of the government who does exactly what it’s told in order to keep getting high salaries and wages. Don’t adhere to the government rules? Goodbye high salaries! They don’t dare bite the hands that feeds, and women are luckily wising up to it.

    If this doctor gets convicted, it will be because of the false pretenses he allegedly used. He is also only being charged by the federal government which is more liberal and if it were up to the state government of Texas this person never would have been charged. The situation is far more dire that this feel-good idea that there’s real enforcement over this sort of thing when the reality is there explicit loopholes written into the laws to allow it.