Artist, Designer

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023

  • I had a Chevrolet Vitara (for Venezuela… for US people it would be a Suzuki Vitara) that my father bought in 1998 and gave me when I was 17.

    First car I “owned”, used for 6 years, never had to repair it or anything at all, took me everywhere without problems and since it was a small 2 door it fit everywhere.

    I took my friends with it, my parents, traveled with it, etc. Also, surprisingly, we never had to do any repairs to the car since 1998 up until 2021 when my dad sold it because it was almost dead. That car was the best and I miss it.

    Then I got a Dodge Dakota from 2002, it was good but I didn’t like it as much as the Vitara.

    Now I drive a VW Gol (2005), good car, a little fucked up.

  • It’s probably not as bad as some of the comments I’m reading here, but it was about Demon Salyer. I met my wife’s little cousin (she is 12yo) about a month ago, and she was talking about anime (Demon Slayer, in this case) and she asked me who my favorite character was.

    I had finished the manga, so I told her that I didn’t have any because none of them really spoke to me and asked her what was her favorite. She said it was Shinobu because it was “her comfort character” (I had no clue what that meant at that moment), and not having thought about the fact that not everyone read the manga, I immediately said that:


    she was cool but it was a shame that she died a gruesome and slow death

    I realized my fuck up when she started just tearing up, didn’t know what to do so I said I was really sorry and left.

  • I’m not a grammar expert and English is not my first language but I think I used to say this before and I just ended up taking out the “what it is” and changed it for the thing I’m trying to remember:

    There’s a thing that I don’t know the name of


    There’s a thing that I don’t know how to describe


    There’s a thing whose purpose is a mystery to me

    Is that what you’re refering to? Sorry if it’s not. I don’t think any of the first three examples are correct, or at least they sound really weird to me.

    Please do correct me if there’s an English mayor somewhere though!

  • This reminds me the other day I was in my house stressed because I couldn’t install Cyberpunk 2077 on Fedora (I’m new to Linux so I don’t know much and I had been distro hopping).

    My MIL was in the house and she saw my screen filled with open terminals, documentation, lutris, wine, everything you can imagine open because I had no idea how to solve a stupid issue.

    I heard her tell my wife “wow he must be pretty busy, he must be doig something really important and it’s so impressive that he can read code like that I didn’t know he could do that”

    All I wanted to do was to play some damn game bro…

  • I wouldn’t be able to use more of my medication, so if I keep taking NSAIDS every day, then until I have kidney/liver failure. I don’t know how long would that be.

    That’s of course not accounting for someone trying to murder me to get the NSAIDS they couldn’t get, or someone else trying to murder me for my belongings/food. Since I have arthritis I can’t really defend myself so… Yeah.

    I did talk to my wife about this on one of those drunken conversations and we both agreed to just end it when we see no other way because we both need medication to live.

  • Honestly, I use FF as my primary on Linux, and Waterfox as my primary on Windows (just because it runs better than FF on Windows fir some reason). Vivaldi I use as a secibdary browser when:

    1. I need to visist a website that for some stupid reason doesn’t open on FF
    2. When I’m studying or need to have several tabs open at the same time (by several I mean 100+, Vivaldi has really good tab management)

    EDIT: I sent the reply without answering the question, I’m dumb. Anyways, some people like Vivaldi, some don’t. If you ask in a Privacy forum (and especially Lemmy) you will find less favorable opinions of Vivaldi.

    My suggestion at the end of the day is just try it out and try to make your own research on how it was created and who is in charge. As I’ve undestood until now (don’t know if it has changed) is that the only thing proprietary about Vivaldi is the design(? Idk, someone correct me if I’m wrong) and that the CEO is not an.asshole (yet)

  • This reminds me what I did in Best Buy once. They have (or had?) A return/exchange policy of 2 weeks, so I went to get a huge TV, but I was not sure if I really wanted it.

    So I bought a Samsung 75" Smart TV, two weeks later, said I didn’t like it, exchanged it for an LG, 2 weeks later, said the same thing, exchanged it for a Vizio, and so on.

    I ended up temporarily owning like 5-6 different smart TVs within a little over 3 months until I decided I no longer wanted it and returned it.

    Did the same thing with headsets with 7 different pairs until I got the Sony XM3. US return/exchange policies go hard simetimes.