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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • I am like you and that I like words to have specific meanings.

    “Overrated” has to mean that the current rating is too high and should be adjusted, and those making such a claim should be prepared to prove summary bullet points.

    I think the 50th Academy Awards nailed it. Not best picture. No actor awards. Best sound, best music, best costumes, best art direction, best special effects, best editing.

    Outside of that, it was a great homage to Saturday serials that played at movie theaters in the 40s. Just like European orchestral classical music sometimes elevated peasant folk songs into a higher art form, Lucas did similar for those old short black and white kids movies my dad told me about from his childhood.

    So, the first one, in my opinion, is not overrated. It’s rated just about right.

  • It feels weird to reply to myself but I keep thinking about Luke’s development. When I was about 7 or 8 years old, I saw this guy that was like a cool older brother go off and do exciting adventures but then some jackbooted thug killed his older buddy who lived down the road. Then in Empire , when I was about 10 or 11 years old, I saw him train hard but still get totally wrecked in the end. Then finally when I was about 13 years old, I saw him come into his own.

    It really felt deeply satisfying after waiting like one third of my life to see this guy not get kicked around. I had forgotten how good that felt. And what a long wait.

    Some dude a couple doors down was obsessed with Star Wars, and this was before Return. He rewatched Empire so many times. Even I didn’t like it that much. Imagine how he must have felt.

  • None of the answers I’ve read so far actually answer your question with basic facts.

    When you invest then you are buying a tangible financial instrument: a share of a company or a treasury bill or a municipal bond and so on. There is the expectation that over time, the value of your financial instrument will increase in value but this is not guaranteed. The lack of guarantee is the risk. Some instruments are riskier than others. The level of risk does not define gambling.

    When you walk into a casino and bet money on roulette, what are you buying? You are buying nothing more than a fleeting chance at winning more money. It is entertainment by thrill. There is no tangible thing that you own from gambling.

    Investing is one way that companies can raise capital to expand their business. Business expansion can lead to greater employment and higher standard of living. For investing to work as an economic system there must be liquidity. Someone must be willing to buy your financial instrument later at a higher price or some town must still be collecting taxes to pay back your bond years later.

    Hopefully you can see now why investing is encouraged and supported in society and gambling is either illegal or merely tolerated.