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There’s an indie platformer called Unepic that’s genuinely one of my favourite games, one of the few I’ve bought more than once to have it on all of my consoles and my PC, that I’ve started multiple times. There’s one boss I get stuck on, every single time. Normally, I’ll just sleep on it when I can’t get past a boss (literally, to give my brain time to solidify that muscle memory I built up in my attempts that day, try it out yourself!), the next day my playthrough almost always goes a bit smoother. But not with this game, oooh boy, not at all with this game. I end up rage quitting, every single time
lpt- reuters only uses a soft paywall, you can bypass it pretty easily by opening articles in an incognito/private window
tbh I’ve found the opposite approach to be a lot more successful- the base weapon doesn’t matter as much as the monster parts I use. Once you start getting a couple of silver bokoblin horns to fuse with, the weapons system “experience”, so to speak, improved a ton. The higher-level monsters become a bit easier to tackle, so it becomes a positive feedback loop after that for better monster parts.
You got me thinking- I don’t think I’ve watched a new TV show in at least a year, there’s so many old favourites to binge through out there. I’m currently rewatching The X-Files.
Outside of TOTK, I really enjoyed playing Minish Cap. The story, I’m meh on, but the gameplay was a lot of fun! It’s almost a tie between that and ALttP, but I actually haven’t ever finished the later which means the former wins out, for me anyways.