• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • mwguy@infosec.pubtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldBoth sides!
    2 months ago

    So your saying Sanders has an anti-government ideology? To say another way, Sanders want to maximize the amount of dismissed problems in the government?

    No. What about what I said makes you think that? Sander’s intent is pro-government and pro-grovernment control of healthcare along with a wide range of other economic and social industries. Just because the effect of his actions makes us less likely to want government control of healthcare doesn’t mean that was the intent of his action.

    I haven’t heard or seen anything from Bernie that indicates he is authoritarian.

    Except for the one time that he was given power over a system and expressed authoritarian tendencies?

  • mwguy@infosec.pubtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldBoth sides!
    2 months ago

    Sorry for the delay been a crazy week.

    I agree that Sanders is a democratic socialist. I am confused as to why you brought this incident up then. I thought you were trying to prove that Sanders was an authoritarian, but it seems like we both agree that this was a mistake he made and not some outcome that he wanted to happen or that was aligned with his ideology.

    Emphasis added by me. I’m saying that to a Centrist (and honestly to myself too). Sander’s actions to dismiss problems in a desired government program is aligned with his ideology. And a viewing of the record of Socialism and Socialist thought has seen that same patter arise over and over again.

    It’s not clear to me that Socialism explicitly calls for that, maybe I have missed that. But Bernie is a Democratic Socialist. I understand this to mean that democracy would be used to create the laws, not an authoritarian.

    Some OG Source but the context here is, after Das Kapital. The Socialist ideology takes off. Movements in Marx’s lifetime to “vote in” Socialism arose, in this instance in Germany. Marx criticizes this attempt instead of advocating for revolution and dictatorial control exercised by a smaller group of Socialist leaders eg. the “Dictatorship of the Proletariat” (wikipedia summary that’s easier reading).

    Capitalism is a system that’s designed to orchestrate the economy of a state. It offers some suggestions for the content of its society and the organization of its government but it is largely agnostic. And has been successfully used alongside Dictatorships, Republics, and Monarchs alike. Socialism dictates not just the economy of a state, but the makeup and mores of its society along with the organization of its Government. There are many modern Socialists who are led to believe that Socialism is compatible with a modern, Western society and Republic; but it pretty explicitly rejects it. Bernie, I believe, is one of those people. But when given power he exercised that power in the same fashion that non-Democratic Socialists of the past have done. That should be concerning to all people, including Centrists.

  • If Bernie cared about socialism so much he wouldn’t have ignored the US Vets dying. That made him and anything he stood for look really bad, if anything you could say that Bernie doing this was an OP against leftism.

    Sander’s is likely the most sincere public figure in his support of his policies. It’s clear to me, and everyone who watches him (even those who are in opposition to him) that he truly cares and believes in the causes he supports. Especially those that are part of his core platform.

    If your plan is to “no true Scotsman” Sanders I can assure you that not only is that an “incorrect” position to have; but it’s absolutely not one that will be seen as believable by the Centrists in the top level meme.

    Ok, so it sounds like your definition of authoritarian is any power given to any government. You don’t just have a problem with socialism.

    Every form of government comes with a risk of an Authoritarian takeover. Certain actions (like centralization vs. decentralization being just one of many things that helps decide that). But Socialism explicitly calls for creating a heavily centralize givernment that makes it very straightforward for a dictatorship to arise. Quashing the sort of dissent needed to avoid dictatorship and even going as far as endorsing the idea of a “Dictatorship of the Proletariat” to modify society into the ideal Communist population.

    In a sense you’re correct that I have problems with most forms of governence when evaluating the chance of an authoritarian taking over. But Socialism endorses that so it’s pretty well at the top of the list.

  • mwguy@infosec.pubtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldBoth sides!
    2 months ago

    Well, if they called themselves a fascist or did things with fascist outcomes I would be very concerned. I would probably try to vote that guy out or try some other way to get them removed and hope someone else could create a boy scouts program with out being fascist.

    In this instance, the people doing the needful are calling themselves socialists.Hence the reason the centrists are concerned.

    Is your position that Bernie hates all US Vets and wants them to die? If so, how does killing vets help get the US to socialism? If anything, it makes Bernie look really bad.

    My point is that Bernie believes in socialism so much that he’s willing to ignore US Vets dying

    How does centralized control government control of things result in authoritarian societies? I would agree with you, if we didn’t have a democracy, is that what you are getting at?

    Centralizing control centralizes control. It creates one single point of failure to create an authoritarian society. Venezuela is currently experiencing how well democracies protect from authoritarians.

  • mwguy@infosec.pubtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldBoth sides!
    2 months ago

    Think about it like this. Most people think boy scouts in the US are a good thing right? Let’s say we didn’t have boy scouts. And some guy said, “Hey, Nazi Germany had boy scouts and that did a lot of good things, and some bad things. Let’s make something like that, but not do the bad stuff”. Using your logic, you would say, “This guy is a Nazi because boy scouts are a Nazi thing and this will lead the US to become fascist and authoritarian”

    What if the guy trying to set up the Boy Scouts regularly called themselves a fascist? Bernie, AOC and others in that sphere have “leaned in” to the Socialist label. Using your logic if a Fascist was like those “Nazi’s Boy Scouts did good shit we should do that same shit.” Would you consider it reasonable to worry about that movement becoming more widely fascist?

    I mean, if you can explain how single payer health care and literacy programs lead to authoritarian outcomes. I am very interested in hearing about that because I can’t see it.

    Remember when Bernie was the Senate’s overviewer of the VA, the largest Single Payer Healthcare system in North America? And he called reports given to his office of the wait list scandal (where the VA would internationally and systemically let vets die without care to avoid caring for them) a right wing conspiracy and dismissed them. Which prolonged the time before the scandal was dealt with.

    That immediate belief that “things that go against my world view are anti-socialist conspiracies” is exactly the pattern that causes the societal decline in Socialist societies. And that’s the mindset that causes those societies to jail and punish people bringing complaints or opposing views rather than attempting to improve their societies.

    So it’s not, single payer healthcare causes authoritarian societies. It’s centralized control of formerly private production administered by people with a Socialist mindset causes increasingly authoritarian societies.

  • mwguy@infosec.pubtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldBoth sides!
    2 months ago

    So your argument is:

    Yes Bernie, the defacto thought leader of the “normal” left wing in the United States, has offered wide support for the USSR, Venezula, Cuba and other Socialists dictatorships; but he’s never explicitly said that we should become authoritarians; he’s just supported the policies, outcomes and goals of the nations that left wing authoritarians have built. So it’s completely unreasonable for Centrits in America to worry that he’d support a left wing authoritarian?

  • mwguy@infosec.pubtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldBoth sides!
    2 months ago

    Here’s one of many stories discussing his 1980s era praise of the USSR. I suggest working the google for more, plentiful links.

    Sander’s support for the USSR was pretty broad, full throated and unqualified. And he was very vocal about it for a long time. It wasn’t until a decade and a half after the USSR fell as he became a Presidential candidate that he started to walk back his support.

    In the modern era he has had similar support for Casto era Cuba and Chavez era Venezuela.

  • mwguy@infosec.pubtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldBoth sides!
    2 months ago

    Listening to the far left to see if you like leftist ideas it like listening to the far right to see if you like conservative ideas.

    I don’t know if listening to prominent politicians like Bernie Sanders who is the defacto leader of the left wing movement in the US qualifies as talking to someone who is “far left”. He seems pretty representative of that movement.

  • mwguy@infosec.pubtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldBoth sides!
    2 months ago

    This is literally the playbook definition of an autocracy. He should be judged by the actions he took and shouldn’t be above the law like the supreme court decided but judging the voters is crazy

    He’s not above the law. Congress Impeached him for it and 57 Senators (less than the 67 needed) voted to convict (including 7 Republicans). But the Democrats rushed it for political reasons. The Nixon Impeachement process took 9 months and it had several hearings evidentiary and others that gave Republicans who didn’t and couldn’t support impeachment at the start of the process justify impeachment to their constituents. Impeachment is a political process, and Dems politicked like morons.