• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • So if Mark (believed to be the oldest Gospel IIRC) was like 20 when Jesus died, and then ~100 years later his story was written down. He was writing it down when he was 120? Seems more likely that Mark’s 3rd generation students wrote it down after they realized that nobody had even second hand accounts of what had happened. Right? Mark had a mixture of first hand (things he saw) and second hand (things he heard about from people that saw them) accounts, his direct pupils had second & third hand accounts (things Mark told them, and they learned through correspondence with other Christian witnesses), but after 100 years those guys are dying too.

    How do they compile all the teachings they’ve received? How much of what they were taught was Mark and how much was Jesus?

    It seems like not a good way to get the message out…

    Jesus died so that whosoever believeth in him shall not die but shall have ever lasting life… but don’t worry about like writing any of this down or anything for like 100 years. What does it mean to believe in him? I think that’s clear enough, we don’t need to elaborate.

  • I don’t think Jesse Owens was tainted just because Hitler congratulated him.

    I don’t think people that resisted the Nazis are tainted just because Israel thanks them.

    That’s why I disagreed with your initial comment.

    Just as we shouldn’t consider Jesse Owens to be tainted by Hitler’s endorsement, we shouldn’t consider anti-Nazi movements to be tainted by Israel’s endorsement.

    That’s all we seem to disagree on.

    Yes, we should be skeptical of Israel positioning WW2 heroes as champions of Israel’s interpretation of Zionism.

    Also for clarification: I’m opposed to Israel’s apparent genocide of the Palestinians. I think Israel’s crimes are more similar to the Americo-Canadian genocide of North America’s first nations than with the Nazi genocide of European Jews and other marginalized minorities. Ie Israel isn’t doing “murder factory” genocide, it’s doing “encroachment and suppression” genocide (and starvation, and persecution). Also similar to what Russia is doing to Ukraine.

  • You’re probably aware of this inherent contradiction by for the sake of any third parties reading:

    TotallynotJessica is advocating for virtue, contract, and rule based ethical paradigms based on the hypothesis that they will, in general, more effectively lead to outcomes preferred by utilitarianism.

    I think this contradiction is only important to people that are entrenched on one side or the other (or the other, or the other). For people that just want to understand how to make good decisions in their lives it’s a bit of a moot point.

  • It took a while to type this out so the commenter above may have already responded but:

    I think their point is for example: in the scenario with Sally’s father’s nuclear bomb

    It’s constructed to have people evaluate the extremities of their moral convictions. Some philosophers argue that it is never moral to lie or to break a promise. Some argue that it’s never moral to torture a person. I reckon the thought experiment is designed to get people to consider whether torture is actually absolutely morally wrong.

    What I think the commenter above you was saying is: In reality, how could we become convinced this scenario was unfolding before us. What experiences could a person actually have that would give them adequate confidence in the story to actually decide that it was justified to torture Sally.

    Like if a person walked up to you on the street IN REAL LIFE and said:

    My name is Sally, and I promised my father not to tell anyone where he had buried an atomic bomb that will kill 1 million people when it explodes in half an hour, but I concede I would be convinced to break my promise through torture.

    Would you feel justified in torturing her? What if you were the chief of police? I hope you don’t think so, because this is clearly a person having delusions related to some form of a psychotic episode.

    Even if she was telling the truth and you did succeed in torturing the information out of her, how quickly could you do it, and how quickly could you act on the information in a way that would save lives?

    Actual real world moral reasoning must account for people’s skepticism of the premises of the thought experiment.

    If we’re trying to construct some sort of useful ethical system, it has to accommodate the uncertainty humans have to navigate. This is probably why the classic trolley problem is so divisive. Some people are intuitively accounting for their uncertainty in the premise’s stated ‘known’ outcomes.

  • Your explanation makes sense to me, an uninvolved spectator with no particular knowledge of generators.

    Maybe you direct the generator exhaust over the exterior of the tank? Would that be adequate heat?

    My thought was to recall that my 20# propane tank has some sort of safety valve integrated into it that will clamp outflow if there is too big a surge in flow. Flow needs to be 0 for a minute or so for it to reset. But that doesn’t explain your experience with the larger tank.

  • m0darn@lemmy.caOPtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldnoob hardware question
    4 months ago

    Okay, I think $80 Canadian for a case, psu, mobo, cpu, & ram is sounding pretty reasonable. I just don’t know of its enough processing power for the video stuff. But I guess if not I can upgrade the mobo/cpu or add a graphics card.

    Thanks, that channel looks great.

    Re offsite backup: Yes I don’t have so many family photos that it will be difficult/ expensive to store online. But I need to get them together first.

  • m0darn@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlyea
    4 months ago

    The Pope is woke! Gender ideology IS toxic.

    We should support the catholic church in their initiative to reform their sexist gender roles.

    I’m impressed the patriarch of Rome is so invested in dismantling the patriarchy.

    … wait that’s not what he means? He supports highly defined gender roles? What a toxic ideology.

  • I live in Canada and there is a university professor that had police visit his house because he took some pictures of an oil project that was being protested while he was on a walking trail near the university.

    It was an interview on the cbc several years ago. He was a prof at SFU, I assume it was the trans mountain pipeline expansion.