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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Warning: sweeping generalizations ahead. These are the kinds of opinions I would normally keep to myself.

    Based on what I’ve heard from my Indian coworkers, I think India has a culture of ignoring rules that leads to a lot of government corruption. They praise the ability of many people to hire domestic help, but of course they’re the kind of people who can afford it and not the ones providing it.

    Based on what I’ve seen in the news, India has a huge problem with Hindu nationalism, which is basically just Indian flavored fascism from what I can tell.

    Based on news about the US, I gather the caste system is so pervasive that rules against caste discrimination are being put in place in some parts of the US with large Indian populations. The caste system appears to be a sight variation of overt racism.

    Culturally I view India a lot like I view Brazil, The Philippines, Hungary, and Turkey. Economically I view it as similar to China, only a decade or two behind.

    I’m not surprised Indians are irrationally proud of their country; Americans are the same.

  • I’d be really surprised if people who have a neurological abnormality also happen to have a difference in eye anatomy, especially when the neurological anomaly is associated with other sensory processing issues. Occam’s razor suggests that all the sensory processing issues NNT people have are a result of their brains being different.