Max Headroom: 20 Minutes into the Future.
Pepsi: The choice of a new generation.
Mcdonalds has Pizza now?
Max Headroom: 20 Minutes into the Future.
Pepsi: The choice of a new generation.
Mcdonalds has Pizza now?
Imagine if it all suddenly stopped and we all got still-sickness.
This isnt an example of “defeating the purpose”. This is something that might be considered pointless, like making your bed when you’ll just sleep in it again later.
Defeating the purpose would be writing the password to your computer on a sticky note and putting it where anyone can see it.
How is this different from the dollars I have now?
Or just disable the cell modem.
Dont forget the trail of tears.
The US has been through a lot and will likely recover, but it would be nice to avoid making the same mistakes again. How many more people have to get hurt before humanity learns?
If you like puzzle games I suggest trying portal. Portal 1 is inexpensive on Steam and playable on any modern PC including on Linux. It’s low pressure, has some humor, not very violent, and you can restart from anywhere you like.
Look up Theft of Fire by Devon Ericson.
What do you use to backup?
All y’all never heard youse before?
PA-220s be like that.
Worse. Ednas were Karens that became managers. Even if they weren’t manangers…
Have you heard the phrase “Do you want to speak to the man in charge, or the woman who knows what’s going on?”?
That woman was Edna.
The rest of humanity will eventually evolve into something you don’t recognize and can never be part of.
For a lot of those texts, simply reply with “stop”.
The automated system will add you to the no-go list.
Sounds like something Strange would do.
hot dogs in Kraft Dinner
If I had a million dollars,
we wouldn’t have to eat Kraft Dinner.
Opalstack. Simple to configure. Great support.