He recommended a Nazi book
He recommended a Nazi book
Stupid nazis already associated their imagem to the frog. These suckers ruins all things they touch. They are reverse Midas
Missing xmpp
My body is ready
So he is the responsible!
This is why i am not giving another penny to Mozilla ever again
Signal HQ is based in the USA. Are you comfortable with it?
What’s OCR?
Nois aqui ensinando essa turminha kkkk
Pledges coming from capitalists means nothing.
I doooo pleeeeease!
Easy there dude. You are discovering yourself. It’s OK. You’re a beautiful being.
His dick fell off.
Lol. Easy dude.
Sir, this is a Wendy’s.
edited: added the word “government”.
Now it is better.
Right? She was the best!