
  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • DancingPickle@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldOn the future of Lemmy vs reddit
    11 months ago

    for me, reddit nearly always has way more quality content and news for me though for the time being

    It’s not just you.

    As constructively as I can put this, reddit has been building community and goodwill for many years. Lemmy has only recently become an option and it’s done wonderfully in the short time it’s had.

    The challenge is the catch 22. People go where there is more content, they produce content there, and then there is more content there. There no vacuum, reddit didn’t disappear. It became toxic and people apparently care less about avoiding toxicity than filling up on dank memes.

    All I can say to that is we all need to be the change we want to see in the world. Adopt a Lemmy First mentality, and go to reddit only to pick up legacy slack. Continue the conversation from there over here. Link it up.

  • DancingPickle@lemmy.worldtoSync for Lemmy@lemmy.worldPost launch day chat
    11 months ago

    I would not be surprised to learn that you could make as much profit open sourcing the work and using Patreon instead of demanding users pay to release the shackles.

    Do it your way. I will probably pay you when you come out with a widget. But I would have done that anyway. Shoving ads in my face makes me not like you.

  • First, let’s consider that up until fairly recently in human society, writing has been the domain of the wealthy and not entirely accessible to everyone. The rich could write whatever they want or patronize those who could write what they wanted for them. The rarity - relative to the greatest developments of proliferation being chiefly the printing press and recently the internet - of written works, demanded that anything someone bothered to put into physical written form must have considerable innate value to someone. If they didn’t, nobody would have bothered with the effort or expense.

    I no longer have access to the reference for a citation and am having trouble digging it up, but I saw (probably on a blog about AI) some figures recently describing the amount of written “material” produced by humanity on a daily basis (or some other comically short time) in 2023 being comparable to the amount produced in the ~five thousand preceding years since the written word is thought to have been invented.

    With as much “writing” being produced, most of it being spam or low-effort shitposting, the signal to noise ratio is unbelievably high. Regardless of the profundity of the thought being born and described, the chance of having anything written today - randomly on the internet - recognized for its quality is infinitesimally small.

    I believe that there IS a fantastic amount of truly remarkable writing being done every day all over the internet. Nearly all of it will be retained on some form of media basically forever, even until the media is woefully obsolete / destroyed / the heat death of the universe. Most of it will never be set upon by human eyes again after this weekend.

    Today, like hundreds of years ago, what rises to the surface does so due to commercial pressures. If you are awesome and impress a publisher with deep pockets, your words could be preserved in a form that will be read in 2434. Of course, it will have to continue to be impressive long after most of the books selected by Oprah’s Book Club.

  • Frying the jungle chip can be a little scary I guess :)

    In my area, sets go for the same price - unless you change up your search terms. If you look for “CRT” or “retro gaming TV” they are all super expensive. People have got wise to what we’re using them for, and being out of production they are commoditized.

    But, I found if I look for “old tv” or “old tube television”, or use search terms that don’t betray the use case and instead reflect what the seller wants to get rid of, I get different results and some are practically free - as they should be.

    No different I guess from how looking for “old rusty knife” will get you different results from “vintage bushcraft high carbon blade” but you might turn up aces.

  • Maybe you aren’t looking for reassurance, but if you have the experience AND a schematic / story with pictures from someone who had done the work on your exact model, you shouldn’t have a problem.

    I have personally never touched the inside of a TV and I RGB modded two of them, one after the other, with different mainboards and both of them were fine. The second one was neater work. And even if you ruin one, it’s not like they’re impossible to get pretty cheap if you wait around.

    I’ll be happy to help you locate the documents you need, if you want to give it a shot. If you’d rather be self-sufficient, start here and go down the rabbit hole. MarkOZLAD has probably written a schematic on loose leaf paper or otherwise, or someone on that forum has, as well as verbally described the steps for VERY MANY common CRT boards particularly in the Sony Trinitron line, but not exclusively. The 8-bit guy also has a video on it, but it leaves out a lot of important detail you’ll get from posts on that forum.

    This is the first rig I modded, a Sony kv-20s90.

    If you choose to go down this road, my research does not recommend SCART. Too many deviations from the standard in cabling on the market, and many opportunities to screw something up either before or AFTER you’ve successfully completed the work. Also if you’re not in Europe, there’s not much benefit in using SCART… and even if you are, I’d recommend BNC connectors to RGBs instead, and if you for some reason need SCART, you can buy a SCART to BNC cable already made that will probably help you avoid any weird cable issues that can fry your rig.

  • Let’s look at what Snoosite has been historically good at.

    • propagating web content
    • providing a space for derivative communities of content

    The web content is already all over the place and takes no more than a dedicated core moderation team to begin driving discussion. The latter - content communities - is what really made Snoosite exceptional, and what drove that engagement was principally the aggregation aspect in the beginning combined with a distaste for the alternatives.

    Lemmy is modeled very closely after Snoosite, obviously, and shares the same potential for link aggregation. The community building is really an organic function, and if we’re able to ride the wave, we may not continue to blast into the stratosphere but arriving at a decent plateau to provide a viable federated alternative is a noble and lofty goal.

    The secret sauce, if the Lemmy devs implement features creatively, is ActivityPub. Cross pollinating conversations and communities between microblogging, distributed image sharing and tagging, and link aggregation communities of content using built-in features of hashtags and boosting is … well, it’s game-changing, and it gives me tingles to think about how well it COULD be done.

    I’m not really wasting any time on Snoosite anymore other than for archaeological purposes. Now, it’s only been a few days, so I can only speak from my own history - when I made a decision to drop Birdsite like a hot rock, I did so completely and deleted my account. I’m a little less inclined to be as drastic with Snoosite because of historical significance relating directly to technical interests of mine. But as time passes and the Fediverse grows, and Lemmy (or another technology) matures into the space, I think the relevance of Snoosite will fade like so many farts in the wind before it.