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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • I haven’t said anything on the subject before, because I don’t care very much, but I don’t know what the alternative is supposed to be. It’s not like someone who is that famous can walk into a public airplane without putting her own safety at risk and causing trouble for other passengers.

    It’s also well known that conservatives really hate her because she told her fans to vote and these memes are part of their effort to discredit her. Whether the point has any merit or not, it’s obvious who started the trend and who it’s helping.

  • Postgres normalizes table and field names to lowercase, unless you put them in quotes. It’s also case sensitive.

    That means if you use quotes and capital letters when creating the table, then it’s impossible to refer to that table without using quotes.

    It also means if you rename the table later to be all lowercase, then all your existing code will break.

    Still a much better database than MySQL though.

  • enemies scale? to whag degree?

    Damage, hp, and drop rarity. It means you can go anywhere in the city at any level (after act 1) and both the challenge and rewards will feel good. It’s also nice because you can grab the iconics you want for your build right away instead of playing half of the game without them.

    You still gradually get more powerful as you get more perks. It’s just not as simple as out levelling the enemies anymore.

    also heres what one mjnute of modded rebalanced combat looks like

    TTK is still pretty high compared to that video, unless you invest heavily in the Cool tree and focus on headshots.