• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • If you’re a billionaire, you didn’t get there through hard work and perseverance, you got there by lying, cheating and manipulating others. There’s not one single person in this world who has personally created a billion dollars worth of value. Not Donald Trump, not Elon Musk, not Bill Gates or the Waltons, nobody. The wealth they hoard is generated collectively by their ideas, the work and contributions of their employees, taxpayer funded services like roads and railways that facilitate their ability to do business, the products they use that are produced by other people and companies, etc. If you’re a billionaire, that means somebody else along the way (or many somebodies) isn’t getting their fair share.

  • He’s impulsive and doesn’t know when to shut up. I got the distinct impression that, initially, he was absolutely not serious about buying Twitter. It was a joke/jest. BUT, because his antics affected their stock price he actually got forced into the purchase and now he’s desperately trying to figure out how to make the purchase worth what he actually paid, which is fine and all, except he seems to be leading by impulse, not by consensus or logic. He wakes up in the morning, has some random ass idea and implements it without any oversight. Even his new CEO straight up admitted that she is basically a straw man CEO who will offer no friction to anything Elon wants to do.

  • On one hand, what he’s “saying” isn’t wrong, at a fundamental level. A corporation should have to follow the same laws as everybody else. That said, it’s kinda obvious that Disney has had no major issues arise from their special status in Florida, and the only reason he’s going after them isn’t because he wants to level the playing field, it’s because they had the guts to stand up to him and his hateful policies, so he’s trying to be seen as “tough” on big corporations to bolster his chances in the presidential election.