Cash money, that’s where the real danger lurks. Even if you can drink bottled water and eat pre-packaged food, you have to handle the money. And that stuff is really, really nasty in some parts of the world.
“Aus einem traurigen Arsch kommt kein fröhlicher Furz.”
Cash money, that’s where the real danger lurks. Even if you can drink bottled water and eat pre-packaged food, you have to handle the money. And that stuff is really, really nasty in some parts of the world.
I have a stomache of steel. Nothing will pass my digestive tract alive or intact. I never had any kind of stomache trouble and I can not puke. I ate every dish in south-east-asia that landet in front of me, even from some dirty streetfood shack in the middle of the burmese jungle. Most of the stuff would have killed the average middle european slob. Not me.
It even goes so far that I cannot use edibles. Which is funny, because all the growmies make fun of me now.
People need buzzwords to feel like they belong to a group. We are just a bunch of nerds who already know that. It’s a free spirit community as long as you behave like a human. You can try to establish some new terminology, but don’t come up with the old reddit stuff, people will make fun of you.
@[email protected]
It was a joke about cloud-based growrooms:
If your router decides to give up, your cannabis will be dead. At least your indoor grow…