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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 10th, 2022


  • When you start talking about “always”, you’re going to need to apply way more rigor. Conservatism is a political philosophy that emerged in reaction to the emergence of liberalism in the age of European enlightenment. Conservatism champions the idea that order tends towards chaos, that order is required for society to function and that chaos destroys everything, that some individuals are more worthy than others by virtue of their birth and hierarchical position, etc. In the 1700s, Tories we’re conservative.

    But what we call conservatives in the USA are liberals, and they always have been. Liberal philosophy posits that individual liberty is more important than strict hierarchical order, that society should be organized to limit the power of the state over individual freedoms, etc. Capitalism and market systems are liberal constructions.

    Liberalism, however, is still historically situated and emerges during the age of discovery. As such, it is not a moral movement but rather an political one. Specifically, it emerged as the merchant class needed a way to undermine the authority of the nobility. Liberalism birthed all of the bourgeois revolutions across Europe and European holdings. Every tri-color flag came out of this movement. But liberalism couldn’t undermine the entirety of merchant dominance, which means it had to be compatible with slavery, misogyny, racism, genocide, and settler colonialism.

    This, liberal philosophers struggled with systems of science and systems of morality that allowed for these things to occur. Race science is a liberal cobstruct. Eugenics is a liberal construct. The belief that black people aren’t fully human is a liberal construct. The idea that white people must civilize the savages is a liberal construct. The Berlin Conference, the professional police force, the state police force, all liberal constructs.

    When Haiti was liberated through the successful slave revolt, it was the French monarchy that determined every single person on Haiti that was a newly freed slaves represented a loss of wealth for French slave holders, and they levied a debt on Haiti to recoup the cost of freedom. The liberal capitalist world acknowledged the debt and required Haiti acknowledge it in order to be recognized. This is a liberal financial construction the remains in the hands of liberal democracies to this day, draining Haiti of it’s wealth.

    The Nazis, are not Conservatives. They are Liberals. Fascism arises from liberal democracies. It uses specific liberal systems to grow and develop. It is essentially the violence of liberal capitalism turned against liberal capitalists. Prior to the rise of European fascism, the things we attribute to the Nazis are just things that the Europeans had been doing to brown and black people all over the world. There’s a reason the Third Reich studied US settler colonialism systems and industrialized them. There’s a reason why US capitalists, liberals of the highest order who believed in the individual right to private property and access to free markets, supported the Third Reich.

    You can’t just go around saying everything bad is conservative and everything good is liberal/progressive. It’s a dogmatic approach to political and historical analysis. Nothing could be further from the truth. Liberalism was a progressive step from mysticism. Conservatism was a reaction to liberalism. And most the ills of the modern era are traceable to liberal philosophy, not conservative. In the USA, we redefined conservative to mean liberal and we redefined liberal to mean liberal progressive. Maintenance of market systems is a liberal project. Maintenance of representative democracy is a liberal project. Eugenics was a liberal project and the US engaged in it through the 1970s and we still have after effects of race science in our discourse. All liberal.

  • This is such a brain dead take. The state of Russia did not launch a war of aggression at the behest of a dictator to maintain a tenuous grasp on power.

    The US, the only country to ever use nuclear bombs against an opponent, who used them against civilians, decided to build a transnational nuclear military. They called it NATO. It is accountable to no citizens. It is accountable to no democratic body of any nation. It is accountable to the hegemonic power of the US. Instead of the US building an empire in Europe to project its force against Russia and China, it built this new thing, this never before seen thing. It is a military that supervenes national borders and national sovereignty. It occupies Europe without oppressing those that it occupies. And it has always been and forever will be directed at controlling Europe against all that threaten the interests of the US, including European nations. Specifically, it is directed at Russia, just as the Third Reich was, which is why NATO was built after the fall of the Third Reich and staffed with “former” Nazi officers at all levels of the organization.

    This transnational nuclear force has been deploying nuclear capabilities in a never ending march to completely encircle Russia for the past several decades. Through the coup in Ukraine in 2014, the US finally had a right-wing government that would support the continued expansion of this transnational nuclear force aimed directly at Russia. Russia has been strategizing about this possibility since NATO was formed and we know this because A) Russia was invaded TWICE by Western countries through the Ukraine border, the most recent one being the Third Reich and B) as the USSR was being dismantled all leadership on both sides was very clear about how important it was that Ukraine not be militarized against Russia. We know that the US has been strategizing since the 1990s on how to militarize Ukraine against Russia.

    So when the Russian state finally intervenes to stop the expansion of the transnational nuclear military that draws direct inheritance from the last fascist regime that invaded Russia through Ukraine, it is the height of clownishness to attribute the invasion to “Putin hates queer people and thinks he’s Adonis and also is a ruthless dictator that lives only to kill and be rich”. Your analysis doesn’t even reach the complexity of a 17 year old explaining the drama in the WWE.