It worked fine for Italy /s
It worked fine for Italy /s
Console exclusive games should never reach any top list. I am not buying Switch to play one game.
LinkedIn games?! Ewwww
It is around €70 with VAT in EU (45Ah).
Sounds like “Hyperion” plot to me
Yes but Microsoft won smartphones war there.
Me neither
The Axis Unseen
And shipping over Atlantic is expensive
And I still can’t convince it to stop caching the images because it does not follows the RFC.
Also, you used a paper filter, you dumb ass
Loading simulator
It has about 15 good games and some of them had to be trimmed down to be able to run on Wii.
I ordered some supplements for him, $24 in value. We should have meet when he returns from the trip. He just ghosted me instead. We were friends since 1997. I didn’t even planned to ask him for money… Yes, he is still alive.
Nothing you wrote is true. Google Lennart Poettering.
They own Linux, too. Just wait for systemd-copilot.
I is actually l