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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023

  • Nope just ran it did exactly as I said.

    gpt output

    Full output:

    Finding a SHA-512 hash with 12 leading zeros is computationally intensive and typically involves a process known as “proof of work” where many hashes are computed until one with the desired property is found. Here’s an example Python script that performs this task:

    import hashlib
    import itertools
    def find_hash_with_leading_zeros(prefix, leading_zeros=12):
        target = '0' * leading_zeros
        for nonce in itertools.count():
            text = prefix + str(nonce)
            hash_result = hashlib.sha512(text.encode()).hexdigest()
            if hash_result.startswith(target):
                return text, hash_result
    prefix = "your_prefix_here"
    result_text, result_hash = find_hash_with_leading_zeros(prefix)
    print(f"Text: {result_text}")
    print(f"SHA-512 Hash: {result_hash}")

    In this script:

    • The find_hash_with_leading_zeros function generates a hash for a string consisting of a prefix and a nonce.
    • It iterates through nonces (starting from 0) until it finds a hash with the specified number of leading zeros.
    • Adjust the prefix variable to a string of your choice.

    This process can take a long time because it requires computing many hashes until the condition is met.

    Would you like to run this script, or do you need further assistance with something specific?