CCDC The Commons.
CCDC The Commons.
I know. Trust, common sense, thoughtful have all lost their way. :(
Canadian Common Sense Consortium
Wonder when .co will go back to Colombia?
Thank you for sharing this.
Been thinking a lot about the overall extent of content shared and user types involved in growth or just simple involvement.
What is it that we have found about our habits of use with migrating over from Reddit?
Fulfillment of niche topics for informative need without commenting or low participation.
Trend analysis on subject.
Central point of truth or awareness for a subject.
Community sense of belonging to subject.
I come to see new things I follow or to look for help on something. I like having somewhat of an aggregated news feed from several news sources.
I comment on things I feel I can contribute to but while typically not when it’s just an informative share. You get an upvote if it qualifies. Kind of like a RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Communicated and Informed) approach.
R - you get a lengthy comment with possible responses.
A - A comment for follow up. With an upvote.
C - upvote and comment potentially usually a thank you
I - upvote as a thanks
Also an Apollo user coming to Lemmy. It’s been nice to get through my communities in a relatively short time then over to local for anything Canada related. There are a couple communities I know of on other instances but can’t seem to search them off .ca but not to worried about it.
Did we even have an actual annual season in reality since its release? Was just like winter and wham 4 seasons with a 5th coming soon…