I guess ignorance is bliss now?
I guess ignorance is bliss now?
Just Google meatspin
Dude… This is Rickrolling on the nightmare level.
Those who don’t remember: NSFW to google that.
Yes. And many people here doesn’t seem to get that.
I’m not a dev of any kind. I occasionally write some bash and awk scriots to automate some things and if I need some kind of plain text (non-binary) data format I prefer tsv over json.
So why do I still get this? Is it just that many json advocates want to make sure others know json does support other data types than plain string?
Predictions of which will win the race?
Holy unholiness, Batman!
I did expect those kinds of tricks would cause syntax error in #defines, but instead looks like everything is allowed… Some day someone #defines a such abomination that it creates universe wide black hole -like vacuum and everything ceases to exist.
I’m not a C programmer (is this code even C?), but I anticipated seeing comments like this. 😂
TIP: winget install mozilla.firefox
so you don’t need to use Edge either.
… wait?
Used for scripting, but not recommended to be used in scripting?
I’ve used Gentoo for almost 20 yeas by now. 😋
Oh boy…
Imo, both methods should set the same value for x. That’s madness. 🤪 Just look at awk for example. There’s a dedicated substr() and it doesn’t care about spaces. But then awk is quite loose in everything… and niche… But I love it.
I wonder what changed.
CEO. 😉
Took longer than I thought.
Well. I guess I’m then a some kind of heretic then. 🤷
Humor at its darkest - at best.
Genuinely want to know if those (lights?) are there for actual reason… What if those are fans to blow leaves off?
r/holdmybeer indeed. r/crappydesign too.
I’m offended by the inconsistent placement of curly braces.