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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024


  • And those people are being told that the moderators were lugenpresse who were on the wrong side and want to protect criminals over your dog as part of their something something woke. The fact that the lamestream media keeps talking about how false it is and going to increasingly desperate lengths to deny it must mean we’re onto them.

    This is how the propaganda works. This is such a blatant lie that it should be a simple fact-check, but since that doesn’t actually change anyone’s mind all the attempt does is keep everyone talking about immigration, an issue that fires up the right-wing base and exhausts a lot of their opponents. You’re absolutely right that we shouldn’t be still talking about whether this is true or not, but focusing on how weird and dumb this conspiracy theory is getting. That’s why the “weirdo” tack has been working for Harris in this campaign, and it’s unfortunate that the headlines have lost interest.

  • YourNetworkIsHaunted@awful.systemsto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    9 days ago

    I feel like in a lot of cases the context is also sometimes important to differentiate between a real-life idiot and someone who is “Just Asking Questions.”

    The trite disclaimer is one thing, but explaining how you came to the specific question you’re asking helps me trust that it’s worth giving you an actual explanation rather than the dismissal that some folks want so they can post it on wherever the new home is for “so much for the tolerant left” bullshit.

  • Note that the image here isn’t from the AI project, it’s from actual Doom. Their own screenshots have weird glitches including a hit splat that looks like a butt in the image I’ve seen closest to this one.

    And when they say they’ve “run the game” they do not mean that there was a playable version that was publicly compared to the original. Rather they released short video clips of alleged gameplay and had their evaluators try to identify if they were from the AI recreation or from actual Doom.

    Even by the abysmal standards of generative AI projects this is a hell of a grift.

  • Actually one of the few political pressures Putin has had to deal with internally has been preventing conscripts from fighting outside of Russian territory, which has included not sending them into the supposedly-annexed oblasts in the east. They’ve had to make do with massive signing bonuses, prison recruitment, stop loss, and PMCs to make up the manpower shortage. Definitely some high-pressure tactics in use, but no actual use of legal force. Unless this video was taken on the Kursk front then any Russian soldiers who this was targeting had signed contracts that they could have chosen not to.

  • Absolutely, and her record in those roles imo actually suggests at least some awareness of the kinds of problems that need to be solved there, though I’m sufficiently cynical about things that I would be surprised to see significant action on federal reforms. I’m cautiously optimistic about her, but my point is that even if you don’t think she’s any different from a rank-and-file Republican that would still make it irresponsible not to vote against Trump and the very specific plans he and the people around him have to make all of those problems even worse.

    There is definitely room to push the Overton window farther left and (federal) electoral politics does not give an avenue to do that as long as the Republican party continues to drift further right. But the way to do that does not involve abandoning powerful federal offices like the goddamned presidency to right-wing loons.

  • I mean, it’s inherently hard to quantify the impact of this kind of thing, but in terms of Putin’s goals for it I think “substantial” is pretty reasonable. It’s not effective in that Russia can’t trigger a color revolution in America any more than America can trigger a color revolution in Ukraine, Serbia, Georgia, or any of the Arab Spring nations. But just because they aren’t the source of the divisions in American society that form these fault lines doesnt mean they aren’t actively trying to widen them. Especially when we’re talking about the America First crowd and the Conspiracy Left I think it’s entirely fair to point out loudly and often how the narrative they’re advancing is backed by adversarial powers that actively want to weaken America specifically and democracy in general.

    Or to refer back to the original meme, Jimmy Dore may think he’s a lefty, but all his political actions and rhetoric work to the benefit of fascists rather than working people.

  • If the only options are supporting genocide or being a Russian asset

    So about those Ukrainians. Or is genocide, like imperialism, only bad when America does it?

    I dunno man. It’s definitely getting repetitive, but when we know that there is a substantial Russian disinfo machine out there and support for the Russian invasion of Ukraine is such a consistent theme in these people AND Putin is one of the major beneficiaries of the general turn towards right-wing authoritarianism (because when our politicians say and do the same things it legitimizes those antidemocratic elements of his own regime), it’s not an unfair connection to keep drawing.

    The most compelling argument to not call them Russian troll farmers would be for them to simply stop saying all the things a Russian troll farmer would say.