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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • Sony made some significant changes between the PS4 and PS5 controllers. I don’t know the details beyond the dynamic resistance triggers, but if you buy a controller board to make your own fightstick, it’ll work with everything up through PS4 and then you need an additional daughter-board to make it work with the PS5.

  • I don’t really grok products like this.

    If you have a fundamental disagreement with a platform, continuing to engage with it, even through a condom, is still perpetuating it. It’s maintaining that platform as still important and integral, and a place that others should continue to engage with. It’s telling advertisers that it’s still a place that’s worth their money to maintain a presence on. It stymies the momentum in shifting to an alternative; why put the effort into a new service if people are still seeing your posts?

    It’s like pirating Windows instead of moving to a different OS. You’re still perpetuating the MS hegemony and telling software developers that Windows is the platform they need to develop for.

  • At it’s core, whatever system you implement is going to have four buckets:

    • I need to see and deal with this immediately
    • I need to see this immediately, but can deal with it later
    • I need to see this at some point
    • This is a complete waste of my time

    When you set up filters/rules, it’s typically safer to err in putting something in a higher priority bucket.

    Past that, it really depends on the email you receive. For mine, an easy differentiator is if I’m a direct recipient, just a CC, or if I’m getting it as a member of a group mailbox. I get a lot of automated notifications, and those are easy to sort based on source and subject line.

  • Interesting to me that this is getting such high reviews. I played through the demo and came away entirely uninterested in playing it any further. The story looks fantastic and I really enjoyed the world, but I felt like I was only in control of my character maybe a quarter of the time; the rest was all cutscenes, QTEs, or rail-shooter. When I was in control, it felt pretty shallow, either button mash, or button mash with correct enough timing to trigger parries/perfect blocks. It doesn’t look like a bad game, it’s just not something I’m interested in spending my time and money to play.

    I’d LOVE to watch this as an anime.