I just picked up Shadow of the Tomb Raider after not having touched a Tomb Raider game since PS1, and still never finishing them. It’s pretty good! It feels a lot like God of War but with Lara Croft. Makes me want to pick up the previous iterations to get more of the story, since I’m a bit lost, but it’s easy to fill in some of the blanks.
Solidworks user here. This is true.
My RX480 is still killing it in 2023!
I really do love it here.
I post, therefore I am.
After going through way too many backpacks that just end up falling apart, I bit the bullet and bought an Aer City Pack Pro and I couldn’t be happier. It’s rugged, durable, and most importantly: it stands upright on its own!!! Every other pack I’ve had just falls right over when setting it down. I also love that I can walk through pouring rain and none of my stuff gets wet.