Oh by all means there’s really no problem if you’re genuine in your question. And yes it’s 100% undeniable that all the issues are linked to one another just because society do be like that. But my issue with the other guy is that whataboutism is a real tactic that halts discussions and it really felt like they were in bad faith assessing that 99% of times men recieved more conjugal violence than women.
Anywya yeah to get back on point your question is absolutely valid! And actual movement for social change and feminism doesn’t just angrily blame men with no reason, toxic male socialization is a real problem for men as well as women, stunting their emotional growth/fostering anger as the only good emotion/not allowing them to express themselves while simultaneously putting a lot of pressure on being “a real man” that gets the girl, gets the job done without complaining and makes money while having time for family. It’s extremely harmful especially with the existence of “alpha male” gurus preying on those feelings. Italy has a double wammy of the religion with the church and the Vatican being right there and it’s influence is very strong. These men need help and the unfair hand they’re dealt to be addressed. However only ever bringing it up when women’s issues are brought up is a bad faith use of a legitimate issue only aimed at stunting progress and conversation. Maybe it’s not the most elegant example but the barbie movie of last summer is an interesting example of a piece of media that addresses the fact that certain types of male socialization is harmful to everyone if you can approach it with an open mind.
There’s also an argument to be made for the point that women issues are also a touch more sensitive because while men do overall die the more brutal deaths and the most often, it is also due to the man dominated world we have created.
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