Hi, I’m Shauna! I’m a 37 year old transgender woman from Ontario, Canada. I’m also a Linux enthusiast, and a Web Developer by trade. Huge Star Trek fan, huge Soulsborne fan, and all-around huge nerd.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • My steps in engaging in polite conversation on the internet are:

    Explain my point as clearly and concisely as possible.

    Try to be respectful of differing opinions and keep an open mind.

    Realize that mistakes happen, apologize for my mistakes and admit when I’m wrong. Also, be forgiving of the mistakes of others, point out any mistakes but do so as gently as possible.

    Ignore people that are either intentionally misunderstanding you or aren’t making an effort to understand you.

    I think the first two points are obvious and most people follow them, it’s the last two that a lot of people struggle with, even myself at times, but I’m working on it. I think the worst thing you can do on the internet is trash someone’s entire idea just because they made one tiny mistake. And putting in effort with trolls will quickly exhaust you, so you need to learn to identify and ignore them.

  • I was also kind of surprised when looking under the hood of proton that a lot of the fixes for games are pretty simple and often the same fix over and over again. Also, it’s just basically running winetricks on the prefix to install things like vcrun2022 (Visual C++ runtime) and dotnet48 (.NET runtime). It’s pretty simple stuff, really, but priceless when considering that no manual tinkering is required by the average user who would give up as soon as a game doesn’t launch once.

    Oh, also I should point out that if you want proton to run non-steam games but for it to run protontricks to fix any compatibility issues, just make sure that there’s a text file called steam_appid.txt in the same directory as the game executable. The file should contain only the game’s app id which you can find on https://steamdb.info/

  • I doubt that there’s any real benefit to walking barefoot. There seems to be very little science to support it that I can find, but I’d be interested to see if anyone can find some.

    I question the benefits mostly because it’s well known by historians that before the invention of modern shoes, most people walked very differently than we do now. Heel-to-toe walking basically didn’t exist until modern thick-soled shoes became commonplace, and instead toe-to-heel or rather ball-of-the-foot-to-heel was the norm.

    If you’re going to walk barefoot, make sure you learn how to walk barefoot safely. Here’s a pretty good video about how to do it correctly: https://pi.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=3iLJ0frWE9E

  • I’ve watched Sabine for awhile, she’s a really great science reporter who keeps things simple and pretty brief. Just a note though, I feel like she sometimes takes very skeptical and conservative views on some subjects where she doesn’t really have any expertise. It also makes me kind of uncomfortable how she seems to be obsessed with Elon Musk, she mentions him in basically every video.

    Despite all that, she’s pretty great, check her out, just keep in mind she talks about a lot of things she isn’t an expert in.

  • It’s not exactly a misconception that I’ve ever really held, but I absolutely hate the lazy writing trope in TV/film where hitting someone over the head and knocking them out is used so commonly and casually and there are never any repercussions.

    In reality, if you get hit on the head hard enough that you lose consciousness for any length of time, you’re almost certainly going to suffer very serious brain damage. If you wake up at all - yes, it’s quite possible you’d die from this - then you’re going to have a major concussion, a huge headache, and probably a fracture in your skull and your brain will be swelling up inside your skull. It’s a VERY serious injury, and yet it’s just played off as this casual thing on TV and I think it’s incredibly dangerous how casually it’s depicted.

  • “These oddities keep getting swept under the rug, but the more we find, we’re going to have to come face-to-face with the fact that maybe our standard model needs rethinking,” said Lopez. “As a minimum it’s incomplete. As a maximum we need a completely new theorem of cosmology.”

    I find this line really funny. Anyone familiar with cosmology knows that most cosmologists agree that our current models are lacking. After all, that’s what dark matter and dark energy are, unknown variables in the current cosmological model. It seems odd to me then that they’re acting as though they’re a minority when most cosmologists agree, it’s just that the current model is the best one we have, so if you don’t want it “swept under the rug” then don’t just prove the old model wrong, make a new model that fits every observation.