That girl who plays Steam Deck and writes about gaming + Linux a lot
And thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it! I’m lucky that this kinda thing which I find so fun, is something others find interesting!
This was more…practically working out the kinks to see if formatting could be improved on (spoiler: very much so!), so the next might be in a week? A weekly thing? Unsure so far, but again…thank you so much!!!
This is so kind of you!
I’m just lucky that what I find fun (making this kind of post!) is at least interesting to others :)
I just know the devs of Heroic will be pleased to see more people trying their work (and I know this, because I’m going to share it with one right now!)
Hope you enjoy it, it is a great resource for the Steam Deck :)
Thank you!
Oh my gosh, you so should!
At the very least, look into my friends’ work called Decky Loader!
It will let you install a plethora of (verified safe!) plugins. My fav is SteamGridDB (let’s you choose custom art for all your games) and CSS Loader (let’s you customize the home page, so it can look however you like! Mine is very ‘Switch like’)
Please do!
Good point! Edited my profile to have a ‘find me on Lemmy’ with my profile link! 'appreciated :)
Oh yes! You did! Feb 21st, to be precise!!! (I still haven’t played Ender Magnolia yet tho!)
My username (on reddit, and subsequently on Mastodon) was flwwhtrbt. Its pretty simple, just ‘follow the white rabbit’ - my fav scene from The Matrix.
I like the combination of Alice Through the Looking Glass, and someone following me into some dark journey to what you can do, run and eploit on systems :)
Hey all,
flwwhtrbt here (if you need to confirm it, you can probably reach out to my friend agaric on the SDP sub-reddit, or even go to my mastodon and reach out there - where I can confirm this in person!)
Nice to see the community kinda in place here, though it feels quite ghost-town-y
What plans are in place here?
I hope it helps someone on here! :)