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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • The last time I pirated a game was for Freelancer. Couldn’t buy it anywhere except a CD and there was no guarantee it would work so I pirated it, it wasn’t what I expected, so I removed it.

    I also downloaded a Halo CE crack for PC but I owned the physical disk and just used it to play with friends at a LAN party.

    Otherwise there’s no reason to pirate anything gaming related, short of protest or something.

    TV, movies and music are so hard to find. Lots of people will tell me “no just use Spotify”. No. Go try to listen to Turn the Page by Bob Seger, and not a live version. The only versions Spotify has are the live and the Metallica versions. Try to find Whitesnake’s Deep Purple cover album. I used to never pirate music because I could buy the few albums they didn’t have and upload them to Google music. Now, there’s no option for that. I’d rather have a smaller library with the music I want than a massive one that’s missing my favorites,

  • The difference is that Dwarf Fortress only released on Steam because they had financial worries due to some health scares. They decided to release it on steam and charge for it but they wanted to deliver a major overhaul of the UI to justify selling it, even though people wanted to pay them for years.

    DF has been in development for 20 years but it’s essentially a full game that they’ve been making better. Yeah it’s buggy (they simulate so goddamn much of course it’ll have bugs), but it’s at least a full experience that you can replay many times and never have the same experience.

    Star Citizen does not deliver a full game, it’s just a glorified tech demo. It’s cool tech, but it’s not worth playing in my opinion.

  • I’m odd because I vastly prefer in-office work so that’s never been a deal-breaker for me. I like the option to work from home if needed, but the nature of my new job means I just don’t have anything to do from home and have to be on-site.

    But I too have received unpaid “promotions” recently, but they’re generally because I seek out more responsibilities and take on more hats than I need out of necessity. “Oh no one is handling our new hires and I need to build a team? Guess I’m doing team allocation now.” “We’re out of seats and I need 3 seats for my team? Guess I’m in charge of that now.” “We’re out of VMs and have to steal them from other people to reallocate? Guess I’m organizing that effort too.”

    That’s just good experience though as I’m using it for leverage to get a promotion next year, potentially moving to a management position.

  • Yeah their new VP basically said “we don’t do mid-year raises” which is just dumb, they also never conveyed to me that I did receive a raise, but it was a 1.2% COL increase, which was a slap in the face. I received a higher COL increase after I had been with my new company for only 3 months at the end of last year.

    My former boss and my dad used to work together which is how I had learned about the job to begin with and they happened to go out for drinks with some other guys and my boss just asked my dad point blank “Am I going to lose Haggis?” My dad just said “If you can’t get him 5% by the end of the year, he’ll probably jump.” My boss responded with “Well it’s been fun working with him.” He genuinely tried everything he could, had a 3 page document written up about why I deserved a mid-level position, explained why he couldn’t lose me and the company just said “eh, wait till next year.”

    I applied for another job and had the recruiter reach out to me within 20 minutes due to it being a company I had worked for prior (left because I didn’t like the project I was on and wanted a change of pace) and within an hour and a half of applying they had called me and then two weeks later I was given an offer. The offer was the crazy part because I was making about 74k as a junior at the other job, I asked for 85 as a “high ball” to hope they would give me at least 80 and they told me they would beat that, so the next time they asked I said 90 and they just gave me 92 anyway. Definitely felt nice to be more appreciated.

  • I guess it’s not quite that level of “fuck this shit I’m out” but I realized that I was doing a significant amount of work that would be outside the description of a junior software engineer. I chatted with my boss and asked for a raise, he went to HR and they said no, so I asked for a promotion and he took it all the way to the VP and they still said no. After that I said “well they must not care about me but this other company is offering a 20k raise so I’m out.”

    It did suck because my boss was still probably the best manager I’ve ever had who gave me everything he could to help me succeed but they refused to give me a raise. I don’t miss the work but I for sure miss that team.

  • Some of the best guitarists around don’t really know what they’re doing - they’re just feeling.

    That’s because toan is stored in the balls.

    Also yeah, I used to be a concert snare player and then gave up drums entirely. I picked up guitar at 18 and was a better guitarist after a year with no formal training versus 10 years of snare. Once you learn basic chords, you can generally follow a chord chart pretty easily, only needing to learn more when you get into the more complex shapes. Music theory is great but not required to make neat sounding music (I still don’t know it, I just find notes that sound good with each other).

    Ukelele would be a good starter though, it’s similar enough that it’ll partially translate but is also like $20 to get into and the strings are cheaper.

  • Exactly. In that case, you have a meme that’s literally just about how Nazis are trying to get into the Fediverse. The fact that Nazis exist is a terrible thing, and both the beauty and the downside of the Fediverse is that they can make their own platform for that garbage. So a lot of people, and maybe rightfully so, might say we shouldn’t give them publicity so they downvote the post thinking that they’re in the right. Others might upvote the post because it’s a funny meme (which it is). Regardless, you now have people who can be “targeted” for agreeing with Nazis because they chose to vote the way they do.

    Downvotes being public can lead to one of two things happening.

    1. If people start making a big deal out of it, people might be less likely to downvote others. This can lead to discussion that isn’t moderated by the people because the people don’t want to take flak if they aren’t with the “hivemind”.
    2. On the other hand, it may also lead to an increase in good discussion because people aren’t disliking everything just for disagreeing with it. Maybe you won’t see comments about vaccines get downvoted because they don’t want others to attack them for their views.

    I think the former is much more likely than the latter, but then part of me believes that maybe it’ll lead to better discussion because you might be called on to defend your views more often. If you hate abortion and downvote a comment, you might now need to defend that stance which can potentially open up the discussion.

    Ultimately, it’ll depend on the Lemmy community. If we’re just Reddit 2.0 (or 3.0 or 4.0 depending on how you look at it), then I think public downvotes can lead to worse conversation as bots and assholes target people who disagree. Inversely, if we are a better community that is more interested in discussion, then it could lead to better discussions overall. Looking over at any of the politics/news communities leads me to think it’s more of the latter, but the more niche communities seem to be much better.

    I guess time will tell how it turns out.

  • One potential problem could be that if someone was dumb enough, they could write a script to automatically check for everyone who downvotes their comments and then automatically downvote all of theirs in return. Could also run into an issue where if you downvote something political, someone could then bring that up and say “remember that time you downvoted this comment about <insert hot button political topic>” and it might discredit you.

    It’s a double edged sword. I personally don’t care, but some people might.