• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Helldivers stole the matchmaking form Warframe/Destiny (more Warframe) and I got thousands of hours in both, but Helldivers made it so obscure that I could not figure out how to find a group. I was placed on one once. Then I had a loading screen, then a hidden loading screen (aka “ships fly next to each other sequence”), then walked up to the person I was apparently in a group with, then got kicked, had the same amount of loading, just backwards. After that, I tried several missions, all without any support by anything. The combat system is utterly useless when alone (which I only was because of matchmaking). I refunded this very undercooked game.

    Why not use Horizon (doesn’t matter which one) as an example? Or Xenoblade Chronicles? God of war?

  • You do understand that everything you said and the sentence “be comfortable with who you are” are a contradiction, right? Fulfilling all the other stuff you mentioned will take massive amounts of energy of you’re not the type who does them naturally, trapping you in a cycle of “still not good enough”. Vigorous self-improvement is quickly becoming the “high performer” equivalent to bulimia: a form of utter self-hatred expressed as pseudo-beneficial behavior that actually does way more harm than good.

    Truth is: love is chance. You might be able to increase the odds somewhat, but in the end, none of us can really control if we.end up meeting someone we will be able to spend our lives with. Trying to constantly be different tha you’d be naturally (trying to be the career guy with hobbies sports and eating healthy, while deep down you are a lazy ass couch potato) will increase your chances of meeting someone, bit I’d argue it will not increase your chances of being happy with someone. Or being happy with yourself for that matter.

  • In 5 sentences, explain the specific mindset that lead to the Franco-prussian waron the Prussian side and explain how this mindset shaped the Prussian culture.

    The Spitfire totally rocked World War II with its sleek design and superior agility, making it the ultimate aerial ace. Unlike the clunky Messerschmidt BF109, the Spitfire could outmaneuver its foes with ease, like a ninja in the sky. Its Rolls-Royce engine gave it the power to soar higher and faster, leaving the BF109 trailing in its wake. Plus, the Spitfire had style for days, with its iconic elliptical wings and badass British flair. When it comes to dogfights, the Spitfire was the undisputed champ, leaving the BF109 eating its dust every time.

    (Don’t @ me for this response, I had ChatGPT do it)