• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I actually enjoyed the story. Some of the themes and motifs were heavy handed, but that’s par for the course. Honestly, the biggest issue with the story is that players have come to expect a big plot twist. Bioshock 1’s twist hit first-time players hard, so later games have tried to replicate that. But the issue is that it only hit players hard because they never knew it was coming. They only remember it because it was truly shocking the first time you played through it.

    So now players have come to expect that from the series, which means the series can’t replicate it; When players are looking for a big plot twist, you can’t really hide it anymore. Because as soon as you start foreshadowing it, players catch on. And if you’re too subtle with your signals, then players who have been looking for it will say that doesn’t make any sense.

  • Typically speaking, you’d want to cut instead of boost. Cutting is easy; You just reduce the volume. Boosting is much more complicated, because you need to “add” signal where none exists. So boosts tend to be noisy and/or outright distorted, while cuts will maintain a clean audio signal.

    Need to boost around 2KHz? Try cutting everything else instead.

  • I’ve used it for basic coding stuff a few times, to great success. Nothing over a few dozen lines, but it’s great when you don’t want to bother looking up the specific functions and syntax for a particular language. For instance, you can have it write basic batch files for you. Then you simply double check it to make sure it’s accurate, (which is much easier than starting from scratch,) and you’re golden.

  • They use Documents because it’s an easy way to ensure saves don’t persist between users. If you and a sibling both play on the same computer, you don’t necessarily want to be sharing game saves. Since the Documents folder is on a per-user basis, the saves are per-user as well. If they simply saved the games in the Program Files folder, saves would potentially persist across users. And anyone who has had a younger sibling accidentally erase all of their saves knows what a bad idea that is.

  • I always have issues with The Sims. Apparently EA uses the Documents folder for a lot of temp files. So every time I play The Sims, I get warnings from OneDrive that thousands of files were recently deleted. Because it’s creating and deleting temp files the entire time you’re playing, which are all automatically trying to sync to OneDrive.

    Given, that’s mostly an issue on EA’s side; Whatever programmer thought the Documents folder was a good spot for temp files should be dragged out back and flogged.

  • It’s because Yuzu was profiting off of their development with a Patreon. Keep emulators FOSS and there’s no profits to claim.

    Also, because it’s a settlement and not a ruling, it’s not setting a precedent for future lawsuits. Courts historically put a lot of weight on legal precedent, to help make rulings consistent. If one court interprets a new case in a certain way, similar cases in the future will likely look to that first case’s ruling for guidance.

    So if one ruling had decided that emulation is illegal, then subsequent lawsuits would have been much much easier for Nintendo. Because Nintendo could basically argue “we already proved emulation is illegal in that previous case, so now we don’t need to do that part again.”

  • He was definitely odd, but even a broken clock is right twice a day; He hated what his old company has become, and at least owned up to the fact that he had a lady shit on his chest. When asked about it in interviews, he basically said something along the lines of “when you’re richer than God and have had sex with gorgeous women every day, things start to get stale and you look for more and more extreme things to get you going.”

    He also 100% predicted that he was going to be Epstein’ed in a prison cell. He was very outspoken about the fact that he wasn’t suicidal and if he was ever found to have committed suicide, that it was a hit job. He specifically tweeted something along the lines of “if I’m ever found to have hanged myself, it wasn’t a suicide. It was a whack job.” He was found dead in a prison cell, with the death ruled a suicide by hanging. Which is either prophetic (he believed the US had a bounty on him, so he was very paranoid about getting murdered with the government covering it up,) or the best troll ever.